This area covers 35 postcode districts and around 18,554 live postcodes. The postcode for your sat nav is M1 5EJ. Why not take a look at some of these other postcodes in the immediate vicinity of Oxford Street, Westminster, London, W1D 1BS:
Areas with large single populations are often in built-up areas, with good entertainment facilities. This supermarket is located on a distance of 0.2 km. Please copy and paste the following script into your website to embed this chart: Listed here are the 10 closest dentists to Oxford Street, Westminster, London, W1D 1BS. Schools and nurseries nearby Oxford Street.
However, a sizeable portion of the population (25.1%) claim to have no religion. Oxford Street Post Office Postcode is W1. The data may include people living in adjacent addresses to W1D 1BSEngland and Wales are primarily Christian countries, with 59.3% of residents Christian. Please consult the In general, inner city areas show high concentrations of people aged 18-30, suburbs show larger numbers of small children and adults aged 30-50, and rural and small towns are more popular with older workers and retirees.
This railway station is located on a distance of 0.4 km. However, if you wish to use this data on other websites, or in any other public medium should consult our There have been no house sales reported to the Land Registry in this postcode since January 1st 1995.Our data comes directly from the Land Registry, and is updated monthly.
The figures do not record under- or over-occupancy.Social Grade approximations are derived from an algorithm created by the Market Research Society. Oxford Street has 156 related postcodes. This contrasts with the national average of just over 18%.This data lists the total number of residents normally resident within each household. This page combines information for the address Oxford Street, Leigh, WN7 1NG, and the neighbourhood in which it resides. The figures shown are per-household rather than individual - more specifically, the job title and employer of the "household reference person" is used, analogous to what traditionally was called the head of the household.
It is also common to see a younger population in these areas.Figures for relationship status do not include those aged under 16, or those family members aged 16-18 who are in full-time education.Health in the UK is strongly tied to age as you would expect, but the affluence of a neighbourhood also has strong influence, with deprived areas often showing poorer standards of health.Overall, the UK considers itself to be healthy - 81.1% of residents rated their health as Very Good or Good.
(Australia, New Zealand, Indonesia and nearby islands)Contains Ordnance Survey, Royal Mail, National Statistics and Land Registry data On average, around 27.1% of census respondents fall in to this category.The qualification levels are based on current qualification names. The local area around W1D 1BS however is predominantly male (66%). The information we provide on the website is done so without charge.
The former Ordinary Levels (O-Levels) and CSEs will be included in the GCSE figures. Administrative areas postcode Oxford Street. You can also view these details on our Listed here are the 20 closest railway stations to Oxford Street, Westminster, London, W1D 1BS. Administrative areas postcode Oxford Street. What is Oxford Street Postcode ? This can be caused by a number of factors, but amongst the most common are: areas associated with nearby higher education, areas that contain large establishments such as boarding schools, and areas with younger populations (females on average live longer than males, so are more likely to be found in retirement areas).Across the UK as a whole, the median age is 39. Listed here are the 10 closest opticians to Oxford Street, Westminster, London, W1D 1BS. The County of Oxford Street is Greater London. At this car park we use number plate recognition technology. The Local Authority of Oxford Street is Charnwood. The nearest is CLCH Dental Service for Homeless People, approximately 160 yards away. The W postcode area, also known as the London W postcode area is a group of postcode districts covering part of central and part of west London, England. Listed here are the 10 closest GPs (General Practitioners) to Oxford Street, Westminster, London, W1D 1BS.
Oxford Street, Manchester. Find all details about postcodes, streets, places and addresses in the United Kingdom. The nearest is Sight Care, approximately 180 yards away.
Male residents were slightly less likely than women to be students.
The area containing Oxford Street, Westminster, London contains a higher than average level of social housing - 28% of household spaces. Oxford Street is located in the region of Greater London in England. Only household reference persons between the ages of 16-64 are included.Across the UK as a whole, the gender split is roughly 49% male, 51% female.