As dowry to her future husband, she received from his father the title of Countess of Corbie.She was a member of the House of Capet, the rulers of France.
A year later, Phillip married Robert's stepdaughter, Bertha of Holland, and in 1074, Phillip restored the seigneurie of Corbie to the crown.Adèle had an especially great interest in Baldwin V’s church-reform politics and was behind her husband’s founding of several collegiate churches. The overwhelming triumph of Robert made Phillip invest him with Flanders, making the peace. They never had children. August 1165 brachte Adela nach fast fünf Jahren Ehe endlich den lang ersehnten Thronerben Philippe-Auguste zur Welt und sicherte damit den Fortbestand der kapetingischen Nach ihrem Tod am 4. There she died. 1030; † 17. Phillip sent troops in order to to aid Arnulf, being among the forces sent by the king a contingent of ten Norman knights led by William FitzOsborn.

A year later, Phillip married Robert´s step-daughter, Bertha of Holland, and in 1074, Phillip restored the seigneurie of Corbie to the crown.Adèle had an especially great interest in Baldwin V’s church-reform politics and was behind her husband’s founding of several collegiate churches. She was regent of France from 1190-1191 while her son Philip II … 1137)Countess of Blois and Chartres, known by historians as "the heroine of the First Crusade." Phillip sent troops in order to aid Arnulf, being among the forces sent by the king a contingent of ten Norman knights led by William FitzOsborn. Robert's forces attacked Arnulf's numerically superior army at Cassel before it could organize, and Arnulf himself was killed along with William FitzOsborn. Geschichtlich greifbar wird sie erst ab dem 13. November 1160, als sie etwa 15-jährig in der Pariser Am 21.
As a widow, she remarried in 1028 in Paris to Baldwin V 'the Pious' of Flanders (1012 † 1067). There she died, being buried at the same monastery. St. Adela was born sometime around the year 1067 and was the youngest daughter of William the Conqueror, Duke of Normandy and King of England, and his wife Mathilde of Flanders. Her commemoration day is 8 September.Adela Capet, Adèle of France or Adela of Flanders[1], known also as Adela the Holy or Adela of Messines; (1009 – 8 January 1079, Messines) was the second daughter of Robert II (the Pious), and Constance of Arles. Adelaide (also known as Adelisa of France, and Adele-Alice or even Aelicie) may be daughter of Robert II and another wife.Adela Capet, Adèle of France or Adela of Flanders[1], known also as Adela the Holy or Adela of Messines; (1009 – 8 January 1079, Messines) was the second daughter of Robert II (the Pious), and Constance of Arles. Phillip sent troops in order to aid Arnulf, being among the forces sent by the king a contingent of ten Norman knights led by William FitzOsborn.

There she died, being buried at the same monastery. Juni 1206 wurde Adela von Champagne ihrem Wunsch gemäß nicht in der Carsten Woll gibt hingegen an, Adela habe während der Regierungszeit ihres Mannes kaum politischen Einfluss ausgeübt. Adela of Champagne (French: Adèle; c. 1140 – 4 June 1206; also known as Adelaide and Alix) was Queen of France as the third wife of Louis VII. Adela Capet, Adèle of France or Adela of Flanders[1], known also as Adela the Holy or Adela of Messines; (1009 – 8 January 1079, Messines) was the second daughter of Robert II (the Pious), and Constance of Arles. Ypres, France.Adelaide (also known as Adelisa of France, and Adele-Alice or even Aelicie) may be daughter of Robert II and another wife.References: [AR7],[Weis1],[ES],[PlantagenetA],[RFC],[Paget1]Adela Capet, Adèle of France or Adela of Flanders[1], known also as Adela the Holy or Adela of Messines; (1009 – 8 January 1079, Messines) was the second daughter of Robert II (the Pious), and Constance of Arles. There she died & was buried at the same monastery.The book, 'Pedigrees of Some of the Emperor Charlemagne's Descendants'Adela Capet, Adèle of France or Adela of Flanders[1], known also as Adela the Holy or Adela of Messines; (1009 – 8 January 1079, Messines) was the second daughter of Robert II (the Pious), and Constance of Arles. In accordance with the legal provisions, you can ask for the removal of your name and the name of your minor children.