Remember that for many articles you can, if necessary, substitute cane for willow and the results will be perfectly satisfactory. You would have to use much heavier material. Figure 1C is oval and uses the slit and slot technique.

All the right stakes are ached in this way and the remaining left ones trimmed to the length shown.One last important hint: Always lean on the side of over-estimating the length of stakes you will need. You will find that, as you work on your basket making, the osiers may dry out too much, so have a damp cloth or sponge and bowl of water handy to remedy this.It will also be necessary at some stages in the work to soak a half-finished piece. Basket weaving is an ancient craft that uses naturally grown materials and a few very simple tools.Basket weaving is a great hobby that can add charm to your house and your own personal touch when you use the baskets you make as a gift.Outlined below are some of the basic things you need to know to get started.Only a few simple tools are necessary in basket weaving.If you decide to go on to more advanced basket weaving, a The principles of basket weaving are the same whether you work with willow or cane so that there is very little difference in the two techniques.Young willow shoots are called osiers and are cut into rods of various colors and sizes to be used for basket making. In This Beginners Guide to Basket Weaving we will explore a general overview of basket weaving covering many of the worlds basket styles. I love baskets and am thinking that I may enjoy it as a new hobby and to create my own decorations in my new home.These tips are so helpful! Please pin to your hearts content, it is highly appreciated. Figure 1D is a more complicated round openwork center that uses lighter weight rods.If you study these diagrams, you will see that after the first step, when the centerpiece is made and secure, the stakes are then fanned out into evenly spaced spokes for the weaving to be worked on. These are often typical of a geographical region.There are four primary styles used in most basket weaving traditions.These techniques will be explained in more depth in future posts. Good strong scissors and a sharp knife are needed for cutting and pointing the osiers. Basket Weaving for a Living (PDF) - Read through a personal story about one family's roots in basket weaving, as well as a brief explanation of how a basket is constructed by hand. If the material you buy is graded by a number, then the difference between the stakes and the weaving rods is usually at least two sizes. In This Beginners Guide to Basket Weaving we will explore a general overview of basket weaving covering many of the worlds basket styles. All free patterns, printable’s, and other resources offered on Textile Indie are intended for personal use only. Figure 1A is circular and shows how the bound method is worked. Extra dampening may similarly be necessary when you are about to bend down the ends of the stakes to make a final top border to your work.Really traditional basket weaving is made with willow or cane throughout, including the base. The PDF pattern (in English) is available for download once payment has cleared. There are various ways of starting a base depending firstly on whether the shape is going to be oval, round or squared off. Basically a border is a method of tidying off the tops of the stakes securely when the weaving is finished and they can simply be bent down and tucked in. If you would like this basket custom made for you, please send me a message. There are lots of different basket weaving styles, traditions and techniques. As such please feel free to use one or two photos as long as they link back to the original post. On the other hand a small decorative table basket could be made in a lighter willow or cane without ill effects.Most craft stores these days carry synthetic cane and this is a useful substitute for natural materials for some smaller items. This is not meant to be an exhaustive overview, rather an opportunity to view a broad explanation of basket types before going into more depth in a specific style. But more complicated borders can be very dramatic. After working the first round, start the second weaver in the space to the left of the starting point of the first weaver and work around. HubPagesCopyright © 2020 HubPages Inc. and respective owners.As a user in the EEA, your approval is needed on a few things. Figure 1B is an oval bound version. For now here is a list of weaving techniques.Basket weaving, like any craft, has its own terminology and expressions.