Every one of our gardens varies in size and style, not t mention that not everyone has the luxury if a proper garden, yet Stirling Council want to force on us these new bins to which we will have to find space for, somewhere in our gardens. This diversion of glass bottles into the DRS will make a separate glass collection unsustainable at that time. Following the start of the DRS in 2022, it is expected that eventually more that 90% of all glass bottles will be returned to shops to reclaim deposits. Larger Grey Bin: These are available for households of 6 or more people and any requests for these will be checked against our records before being approved. We want the council to open their petitions process urgently and allow the residents of Stirling to force the issue back onto the agenda and demand changes.“Councillors should not hide behind petty rules and procedures to avoid the public on this issue. Many of us have variations of the above, but we will now have to find space in our gardens for the new service. Blue Bins (plastics and cans) will now be collected once every four weeks. Waste Service officers will be reviewing bin allocations for flatted properties as part of the planned services changes. This will only add to added pests such as rats, mice, wasps, flies and maggots. On Tuesday June 30, Stirling Council approved changes to waste collection services. Waste and recycling for businesses Not to mention that we currently still have the large brown bin that we use for garden waste and other smaller bins. Stirling Council has created the following Q&A to answer the most common questions, and further communication and engagement will be made with residents in the coming months before the …

The new service changes will encourage residents to maximise recycling for the benefit of our local and national environment.Waste analysis undertaken nationally found almost 60% of the general (non-recyclable) waste bin could typically have been recycled within existing household recycling services. Your collection week is also temporarily changing - please check below or on social media for full details. They propose that we each have a large green bin (for paper & cardboard), a large grey bin (for non-recyclables), and a large blue bin ( for plastics, cans & cartons). Coronavirus Latest update on COVID-19 and our services . Service update: Normal waste and recycling bin collections restarted on 1 June, 2020. Bulk general waste collection.

Bookings for 2020/21 FY allocations are available from the 8 July 2020 . We are always looking at ways to improve our service and hope you can help us reduce the amount of waste sent to landfill by recycling. There are considerable costs for uplifting and treating this material. The decision was informed by a detailed assessment report produced by officers.From 1 April 2021, households wanting to recycle garden waste in their brown binwill have to purchase a £35 permit. Waste Transformation FAQs

Coronavirus Information on Education and Children .

Stirling Observer - 2020-08-12 - UNDER-FIRE PUB REVIEWS RULES - KAIYA MAR­JORIB­ANKS. Want to know what happens to that recycling when it’s taken to the depot? In 2017, the Council collected 9,776 tonnes of household recycling from blue bins. All Councils must implement changes which encourage households to not send recyclable waste to landfill. The City of Stirling has replaced household junk verge collections with a range of on-demand waste collections. That alone should be enough to force those responsible to stop these cuts and ensure full consultation always takes place before decisions are made.”The council’s environment spokesperson, SNP councillor Jim Thomson, however, said Councillor Benny’s comments were an attempt to divert attention from reality, adding: “A representative from his party was a member of the working group tasked with finding a viable long term sustainable solution to the problems faced by this service. We understand some households may find it challenging to pay for this and we are developing a concessionary scheme for those who need it.This decision was taken by elected members at a meeting of Stirling Council on 30 June 2020.