Demand the best, demand Furuno!Sonar is a device for finding objects underwater using sound waves. Do …

In this way, Searchlight Sonar can search a wide area sequentially. The ultrasonic waves transmitted by the transducer below the ship turns around continuously like a searchlight, hence its name.

Based on the information received by the Sonar it is also possible to estimate where the fish school is heading, and at what speed.Scanning Sonar can display information "full circle" at 360 degrees, or "semi-circle" at 180 degrees at a time.Sector scanning has a scan area of 90 degrees or 45 degrees at a time. Todd T. - AME Browse the Furuno product catalog for current and previous products. When looking for a sonar to make you more efficient and productive, there is only one choice. If you're fishing against one of these boats who have this machine and you don't, you have a very serious disadvantage. Anything that gets hit by these ultrasonic waves will give a returning echo that shows up on the sonar display.

After receiving the returning echo from the seabed the transducer turns to the left or right and transmits a new burst of ultrasonic waves. The transducer transmits ultrasonic waves into the water, then immediately switches into a receiving mode. These oscillators are arrayed in vertical and horizontal grids so that searches can be made in any direction. Sonars transmit ultrasonic waves into the water below and receive the returning echoes from the seabed. Scanning Sonar can search 360 degrees around the vessel in an instant. This image stretches from left to right and back and forth, showing the distribution and density of fish schools if present.Purse seiners and trawlers worldwide rely on Sonar on a daily basis to get their catch.There are two types of Sonar: Searchlight Sonar and Scanning Sonar.Searchlight Sonar works by transmitting a single ultrasonic beam that is 6 degrees wide.

Due to the wide beam, no dead zones (zones that will not get displayed properly due to narrow beam width) will appear in the horizontal direction. Sonar is a device for finding objects underwater using sound waves. COLOR SCANNING SONAR MODEL CSH-23/23F/24/24F. Fishing Vessels Workboats High frequency ultrasonic waves take a comparatively long time travelling through the water, and this can limit the search speed. The most advanced half-circle sonar for shallow water detection with unparalleled image detailUnmatched training speeds and High resolution echoesDual Frequency, Dual views of the Searchlight's Sonar powerHigh power transmitter for long range fish detection and determining changing seabed conditionsA compact, high frequency sonar with revolutionary discrimination between bottom fish and seabedFull-circle, sector or vertical-fan scanning modes.|Histrical seabed image using unique 3D graohics processor.Stunning performance, amazing range with FSV-25/25S!Advanced Solutions Built on World-Proven Sonar TechnologyAdvanced Solutions Built on World-Proven Sonar Technology© 2014 FURUNO ELECTRIC CO.,LTD.

FURUNO Authorized Distributor/Dealer 9-52 Ashihara-cho, ... FURUNO will assume no responsibility for any damage associated with improper installation. For the purpose of fishing, sonar is defined as a device that can search both horizontally and vertically while a fish finder can search only vertically underneath the own ship.Sonars transmit ultrasonic waves into the water below and receive the returning echoes from the seabed. This is the cyclic operation of a Searchlight Sonar. A compact, mid-frequency Sonar with revolutionary fish and seabed discrimination The CSH8LMK2 is a Full-Circle Scanning Sonar that rapidly detects fish schools, individual fish, and changing underwater conditions.

| 180kHz Sonar System with 6" Soundome and 12.1" Display. Ask any commercial fisherman their most important piece of electronics and their Furuno Sonar will be the first thing to cross their lips. All of these oscillators operate simultaneously, alternating between transmitting ultrasonic waves and receiving returning echoes from the seabed. Includes 250MM Travel Hoist and operates at 12VDC. The paper used in this manual is elemental chlorine free. Since the Scanning Sonar searches 360 degrees around the ship, the same fish school can be identified multiple times. For the purpose of fishing, sonar is defined as a device that can search both horizontally and vertically while a fish finder can search only vertically underneath the own ship.

Due to the narrow beam transmitted, sometimes the Sonar will not display the surroundings properly while the boat is in motion.A Searchlight Sonar creates images of the water below much like how an airplane would take pictures of the earth below. They have one up on you. All Rights Reserved. The FSV series of Furuno Scanning Sonar has long been a favorite among commercial fishermen, and the FSVx5 carries on that tradition.

Thanks to its high training speeds, the CH-500 can rapidly scan a large area providing the ultimate fishing and navigational experience. Scanning Sonar can search 360 degrees around the vessel in an instant. Due to the wide beam, no dead zones (zones that will not get displayed properly due to narrow beam width) will appear in the horizontal direction. The Sonar will then rotate a further 6 degrees and repeat the process. Includes 400MM Travel Hoist and operates at 12VDC. It provides 6 selectable step variations (6°,12°,15°,18°,21° and 24°) for high scanning speed that can cover sectors widths from 24° to 360° in a couple of seconds.

Fish distribution and seabed conditions are displayed in 16 … A compact, high frequency sonar with revolutionary discrimination between bottom fish and seabed. Includes 250MM Travel Hoist and operates at 12VDC85/215kHz Black Box Sonar System with 8" Soundome. FURUNO FULL-CIRCLE MULTI-BEAM SCANNING SONAR CSH-5L MARK-2 information (Brochure, Features, Specifications)