Indeed, I ended up repeating my East High School experience, and dropped out after a semester, but this time I ended up deciding to re-enter a year later. 1 Read the interview: "Rogoff Reflects on Global Economy, Research, Academia, Chess," in the IMF Survey, November 26, 2001 (1073 kb PDF file). For some of my reflections on the state of chess today, Copyright © 2020 The President and Fellows of Harvard College In many grade schools today, particularly in California and New York, chess is considered cool and on par with playing soccer. 2 For a more complete list see: Publications by Kenneth Rogoff and IMF Working Papers by Kenneth Rogoff. Jagdish Bhagwati, the distinguished trade economist now at Columbia, was also an important influence. My father, Stanley M. Rogoff, was a Professor of Radiology at the University of Rochester, one of the first medical schools to realize that doctors need to learn basic science if they are to keep up with medical advances over their lifetimes. I am fortunate that MIT was very accommodating about all this. Through maturity, I guess, I continued to improve, finishing 5

However, at eighteen he made the decision to go to college and pursue a career in economics rather than to become a professional player, although he continued to play and improve for several years afterward. I learned the moves from my father at age 6, but took up the game in earnest when I got a chess set for my 13 CHESS In many grade schools today, particularly in California and New York, chess is considered cool and on par with playing soccer. Rogoff was awarded the IM title in 1974, and the GM title in 1978. Search .

My older brother Hal inherited my mother’s broad intellectual curiosity. Jeremy and I went to MIT graduate school, John went to Harvard, John had more fun. My thesis committee consisted of Rudi Dornbusch (main advisor), Stanley Fischer and Jerry Hausman.

Kenneth Rogoff Professor of Economics and Thomas D. Cabot Professor of Public Policy. Kenneth Saul 'Ken' Rogoff (born March 22, 1953) is an American economist and chess Grandmaster. Because of conflicts with my studies, I ended up playing just over 300 tournament games lifetime, an unusually small number at the professional level where 100 – 150 games per year is the norm. "Not your father’s recovery policies," writes Blinder.In April 2013, Rogoff was at the center of worldwide attention with In the United States, economist Recovery from what Blinder terms a Reinhart-Rogoff recession may require debt forgiveness, either directly, or implicitly through encouraging somewhat higher than normal rates of inflation. (OK, it is true that chess was big among rock stars and movie stars at the time, and my best friend in chess, Kim Commons, could count people like Mel Brooks and the entire Jefferson Airplane band among his students.) I never met the great world champion Gary Kasparov on the chessboard, as my relatively brief career ended just as he was emerging. Yet for followers of the game, the just-concluded world championship in London, won by the 27-year-old Norwegian Magnus Carlsen, was as exciting as any great soccer match. (Fiscal policy at times even ended up becoming pro-cyclical, which it was in some European countries under austerity policies.) He is co-author of This Time is Different: Eight Centuries of Financial Folly and author of The Curse of Cash. In August 2012, I played a very casual exhibition rapid game against the world's highest-rated player, At sixteen Rogoff dropped out of high school to concentrate on chess.
He was 3rd in the World Junior Championship of 1971 and finished 2nd in the US Championship of 1975, which doubled as a Zonal competition, a half point behind Early in his career, Rogoff served as an economist at the Rogoff was the Charles and Marie Robertson Professor of International Affairs at In 2002, Rogoff was in the spotlight because of a dispute with In a normal recession such as 1991 or 2000, the Keynesian tools of tax cuts and infrastructure spending (fiscal stimulus), as well as lowered interest rates (monetary stimulus), will usually right the economic ship in a matter of months and lead to recovery and economic expansion. He is the Thomas D. Cabot Professor of Public Policy and Professor of Economics at Harvard University.

Large amounts of governmental debt, household debt, corporate debt, and financial institution debt were left in its wake. I lived on my own, mainly in Yugoslavia (Zagrab and Sarajevo), supporting myself with my prize winnings. I, myself, liked playing basketball, baseball and football with my friends.

Given that a healthy majority of my East High School class did not attend college, much less graduate, it is an amazing coincidence that two members of Harvard’s Department of Economics attended East High (albeit at different times), myself and

However, we did have a
Kenneth Rogoff of Rochester, New York scored 6-1 to win the United States Junior Chess Championship by the widest margin ever recorded in the four-year history of this invitational event. That sure wasn’t the case when I was growing up. FIDE - World Chess Federation, Online ratings, individual calculations a social science librarian and later became head of the main branch of the Rochester public library. I supplemented my income by giving simultaneous exhibitions (where a master typically plays anywhere from 25-75 club players at the same time) and blindfold exhibitions (