Some chose a distanced visual approach: photographing the geographical space of their home from above or from afar, through majestic landscapes, magical lights, walking through their streets in a Rousseau-like spiritual journey, or embarking on a deeply existential road trip. Leave. A cocoon where one feels secure, loved, and understood — a nurturing and forgiving space. 2017. cluding a couple of proper “selfies;” and, naturally, a few loving portraits of his dog: “I also live with my dog Canelo that I brought back from my recent Cuba assignment. “I wonder what it will be like looking at them in twenty years, this time capsule from when Anna and I were young, and the kids were just two bundles of limitless potential.” 2017. Surfers, sunlight, and lightness of being.” Outer Banks, North Carolina, USA. Home is sweet, “home is where the heart is.” Home is family. Sublime and subliminal, his series is a masterful tribute to his mentor Andrei Tarkovsky. “Home” is one’s quotidian life, and domesticity: the coziness of one’s living room, sofa, TV, books and memorabilia. The Magnum Photos Home Exhibition will open for its second instalment in London. 2017. fog-filled panoramic landscapes make for a surprising and exquisite departure from his usual palette: “For me, somehow the serene world of Wellfleet—with its muted grays and browns and ever-changing weather—has become the ideal place to retreat from and reflect on my work, much of which has focused on vibrant tropical worlds, which have dominated my photographic life for years.” Mayo Beach, Wellfleet, Massachusetts. War.” Village Hrabišin – Rabersdorf. He has occasional canine visitors.” New York City, USA. the subject through their own individual practices, and the resulting work reflects their personal take on a subject we all record visually. USA, 2017. ing on the lives of others, not his own.


“Home,” universally known in English, was chosen precisely for its global nature, and for the inherently human sentiment that it conveys.

FUJIFILM & Magnum Photos Collaborative Project "HOME". Featuring work from 16 Magnum photographers, the show explores what home means to each participant and is a unique insight into each of their personal styles and artistic voices. This project, envisioned in Tokyo, London and New York, takes us to over ten countries, and will travel extensively throughout the world after it premieres in New York. I should know: I am one myself.” New York City. And guilt. To witness the shifting patterns of populations is to see the world in all its exigencies: war, natural disasters, repression, famine and poverty. September 2017. , which was a happy one, but more of a goodbye to it and a beginning to come to terms with so many years already gone by and my parents being vulnerable.” Argentina. An exhibition of the work will tour to seven cities around the world starting in March 2018, and be accompanied by a photobook.16 Magnum photographers interpret their "HOME" – "HOME" is a space for physical living, but also holds various other associations that are emotional, biological, cultural and societal.

Scicli, Italy. Home is where we were made. Experience the absolute opposite. 2017. hood, as if on a pilgrimage. 2017. s photographs are the reflection of his psychologically-charged journey: discovering one’s land, discovering one’s people, finding a home. An exhibition of the work will tour to seven cities around the world starting in March 2018, and be accompanied by a photobook.

This website uses cookies. Sixteen Magnum photographers seek to explore what the question means to them, in a project supported by Fujifilm. The medium format, mirrorless camera to be used would allow for the discreet, sensitive, and intimate treatment the subject required.This project provided photographers with an ideal pretext to explore a place they held dear, a familial landscape; it was an invitation to look both inward and outward. Their photographs show us how dramatically the world has evolved since 1955, and, with it, the notions of family, home, motherhood and fatherhood.For some, the difficulty of this project was rooted in a lingering feeling of dislocation: the fact of having more than one “home,” and the yearning to document them all.

Šumperk / Mährisch Schönberg. "For Magnum photographers, Magnum is home." 2017. heir life — both as an insider and an outsider. USA. To a few, the return to childhood was indeed an emotional endeavor, and “home” was therefore a surprisingly difficult subject to document; but for all, exploring the notion of “home” in such a personal way was a welcome challenge: an invitation to self-exploration, which resulted in a deeply thoughtful journey. September 2017. ll surely recognize how confused emotions become, and how deep they run.” England, Great Britain. To some, it doesn’t exist in the physical world any longer: it is a memory. 16 Magnum Photographers will explore the theme of "HOME" for the project. Here we share a statement from the president of Magnum Photos, Olivia Arthur, and thoughts from Fusco’s fellow Magnum photographers Peter van Agtmael, Bruce Davidson, Gilles Peress, and Eli Reed on the occasion of Paul’s death. Others chose not to settle in any one particular place, and had to search for their own definition of the word.