07:00 - Morning Firing Rites: The Red Scorpions prepare to shoot at the 100% biodegradable targets, and each Bolt that will be shot during the practice is carefully examined by the Techmarines in order to make sure each shot is as pure as possible. These Battle-Brothers consider hatred of the unclean and unholy as one of their most central virtues. This particular success is best known because the vehicle went on to gain ratification as an official pattern by the Adeptus Mechanicus. 14:00 - Tactical Indoctrination: The Red Scorpions are educated on why they must follow the Codex Astartes as closely as possible. Similarly, an unclean mind, tainted by heresy or unbelief, must be thoroughly cleansed, preferably by force. To maintain their purity -- in mind, body, and spirit -- the Chapter's Battle-Brothers accept unquestionably extreme measures as a necessary part of their training regimen.

The offending Brother is then also burned for Heresy. In spite of their obsession with orthodox Imperial dogma, the Red Scorpions are more than capable of innovating novel solutions to unexpected problems. The Red Scorpions are assumed to have a large fleet at their disposal, given their history and salvage rights following the Badab War, but so far only four starships have been mentioned in Imperial records, including: Unusually for a Chapter of the Adeptus Astartes, the Red Scorpions are fanatically loyal to the Emperor in whose divinity they believe without question. They prefer to proudly demonstrate their presence and their markings. This overriding concern leaves the Chapter largely unwilling to work with outsiders, save in the direst of circumstances. Some view this tendency as approaching an isolationist heresy. The beds are made out of only pure cotton sheets.

Battle brothers are encouraged to try and kill those they deem to have inferior geneseed, so that the purity of the chapter may yet remain intact. 23:00 - Sleep: After growing bored of bragging about their amazing genetics, the Red Scorpions return to the purity of their bed. It is their shared belief that only by undertaking such strenuous measures can they hope to identify and eliminate even the smallest taint of imperfection or contamination in those they encounter from outside the Chapter. This fanaticism for extreme genetic purity is most pronounced when in the presence of those tainted by the The Red Scorpions hold themselves to the highest of standards and consider their loyalty second to none when compared to other servants of the God-Emperor and soldiers of the Imperium. Only once these are known can strengths be avoided and weaknesses exploited. Often a weapon of extraordinary quality, usually a Like their fellow Astartes Chapters, the Red Scorpions also maintain a Librarium of potent For the first several millennia of its existence, the Red Scorpions was exclusively a Prior to securing Zaebus Minoris, the Red Scorpions Chapter recruited the purest candidates it could find from throughout the galaxy.

Any food that does not resemble the image is burned for Heresy. Even sanctioned Imperial mutations, such as nominally accepted The Red Scorpions are dedicated believers in their interpretation of the The Chapter is organised into ten companies in keeping with standard Part of the Red Scorpions' success is due to the intense level of discipline maintained throughout the Chapter. This secrecy has led to some of the Imperium's hierarchy questioning the loyalty of a chapter that keeps its history secret and holds itself answerable to the Emperor alone. They despise A Crusading Chapter, the Red Scorpions fleet is almost continuously on the move, travelling between war zones and making its forces available to those who would petition for its aid, if the Chapter deems them worthy of it. Before the feast begins, the Librarian probes the serfs in order to ensure they coked in correctly. While their Techmarines might develop minor innovations, they do not stray from the Omnissiah's path.

Unusually for a Chapter of the Adeptus Astartes, the Red Scorpions are fanatically loyal to the Emperor in whose divinity they believe without question. Any sheet that is discovered to be less than 100% cotton is burned by the Reclusiarch for heresy. As other Astartes seldom follow the tenets of the Imperial Cult, there are few who willingly embrace such a lifestyle. However, if no commonly known methods provide a necessary solution, these Space Marines do not hesitate to attempt to find an alternative. 17:00 - Evening Firing Rites: The Red Scorpions fire off rounds at the targets yet again. They remain surprisingly well-equipped with Quality of arms is also highly valued by the Chapter. Every battle fought against an unidentified opponent requires a warrior to first identify the foe's strengths and weaknesses. Alternative tactical measures are considered, but only once evidence has been compiled that those dictated by the The Red Scorpions are generally philosophically opposed to the use of covert techniques prior to and during a battle.

There are Codex compliant chapters, then there are the Ultramarines, and then several orders of magnitude more compliant than even some of the most obsessive son of Grandfather Smurf (*cough* Leandros *cough*) we have the Red Scorpions. The Red Scorpions' fanatical belief in their own genetic purity, and the lengths they will go in order to preserve it, has had the consequence of giving the Chapter a strongly isolationist streak when it comes to its interactions with other parts of the Imperium on anything but a practical military level, and as such it maintains no domains and is beholden to none but its own sense of duty.