Distant Worlds: Universe, Stellaris, and Master of Orion 2 are probably your best bets out of the 14 options considered. I haven't played it in a while but I'm gonna copy and paste my thoughts so far on it.It's only early access so far but they have expanded on a lot and made it into something you could call more of a game than the glorified experiment the first game was.Diplomacy and the senete is completely unique and very intersting for a space strategy, votes can be manipulated in very unique ways and you can cause chaos politically between players as you keep manipulating votes to swap systems back and forth between two players.Planet development can and is largely automated on the per planet scale. Oh and you see the DLC that says hey you can make your own maps its 1 iota of a smidgen higher then SR2 custom map making which does not exist (outside of scripting your own). Also everything takes much longer. SR2 is also the only one (of the ones I've played) that you can set how the AI cheats rather than it being determined by difficulty, its difficulty level just determines what the AI well try and do rather than giving out a direct advantage to the AI controled empires. © Valve Corporation. Planets have 4 development levels, every planet starts as level 1 and gives a level 1 resource. I had X dollars so the new shiney won me over. You are given a global resource which represents your "FTL energy" which powers one of various FTL drives, most of which you fit to your one of your flagships, such as a basic hyperdrive, point and go, wormholes, instant travel but 2 way, and gates, travel to any gate in the Empire but have to pay constant maintenance of FTL energy per gate. Tech is better in stellaris as i love the random "deck" research as it creates variablity in the game :D Sadly there is no ship automation, so that I either have to use static defenses in systems and leave them undefended in the beginning. Ohh tech. What is similar and what is different from these space sim? "Spore - Is not a space sim, please ignore throw it away and never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever touch it with a bargepole if your looking for any form of space sim. " 20:57 . :O This page is powered by a knowledgeable community that helps you make an informed decision. I enjoyed Star Ruler 2 quite a bit but unfortunately the studio is shutting down due to lack of funds. Colonize the stars with one of seven races in this 4X-RTS, or make your own species using a creative and detailed species builder. You can play on maps with over 1000 star systems and 50+ AI races. Here it takes decades of the ingame time till a new colony is fully developed. I like Sins of a Solar Empire and Distant Worlds. The things which make the game harder to learn are the hidden game controls: Alt, Ctrl + Click, Right-Click. Примечание: используется ТОЛЬКО для жалоб на спам, рекламу и проблемные сообщения (например, нападки, оскорбления или грубости). The game is much more political and empire building oriented then Star Ruler 2. Both good games, I always think of Star Ruler 2 as more of a puzzle game as you try and get the correct chains to develop planets in the correct way. So if money is any concern it's probably the better buy. I just can't afford dropping the cash for it. I recommend them both. I feel stelaris res are super important throughout all the stages of the game and can decide if you can win a war with an equal or loose it. As for the resources in SR2 i didnt like the budget feel i mean it was nice but just different. I would have really liked it if they could use a max speed for combat engagements.I personally think it has a great deal of potential and is already more fun than most 4X games. The ship designer is a bit more streamlined and you cant make custom sizes. I do like both and tastes will vary with mood. Star Ruler is also very conflict oriented while you can play as a completely pacifist empire in this one. The planets are bigger in SR2, and have a bit more purpose, but the Pop system in Stellaris is awesome, and it includes factions and rebellions and slaves and whatnot.