The demographics in the AOR create opportunities for tension and rivalry. Of all six American regional unified combatant commands CENTCOM is among the three with headquarters outside its area of operations.

Iraqi Freedom, the 2003 Following the defeat of both the Taliban regime in Afghanistan (9 November 2001) and Saddam Hussein's government in Iraq (8 April 2003), CENTCOM has continued to provide security to the new freely-elected governments in those countries, conducting counterinsurgency operations and assisting host nation security forces to provide for their own defense.Beginning in October 2002, CENTCOM conducted operations in the Horn of Africa to combat terrorism, establish a secure environment, and foster regional stability. With warfare ongoing in Iraq and Afghanistan in 2003, the The unit awards depicted below are for Headquarters, US Central Command at MacDill AFB.

In 1983, U.S. Central Command succeeded the Rapid Deployment Joint Task Force with responsibilities for handling United States national security interests in South-west Asia, Central Asia and the Persian Gulf. Award for unit decorations do not apply to any subordinate organization such as the service component commands or any other activities unless the orders specifically address them.

The United States Central Command (USCENTCOM or CENTCOM) is one of the eleven unified combatant commands of the U.S. Department of Defense.It was established in 1983, taking over the previous responsibilities of the Rapid Deployment Joint Task Force (RDJTF).. New York: Pantheon Books. CENTCOM's main headquarters is located at No fighting units are directly subordinate to this command; rather, there four subordinate service There are major subordinate multiservice commands reporting to Central Command which are conducting operations in various areas: United States delivers assistance to the people of Lebanon Aug. 6, 2020 … The CENTCOM The exercise … U.S. Central Command | USAGov The Central Command is responsible for defending and promoting U.S. interests in 20 nations in the Middle East, Central and South Asia, and the strategic waterways that surround them.

Kenneth Franklin "Frank" McKenzie Jr. (born 1957 ) is a United States Marine Corps general who currently serves as the 14th commander of the United States Central Command. As its name implies, CENTCOM covers the "central" area of the globe located between the European and Pacific Commands.

Gordon, Michael R.; Trainor, Bernard E. (2012).

Operation Provide Comfort, implemented to provide humanitarian assistance to the Kurds and enforce a "no-fly" zone in Iraq, north of the 36th parallel, began in April 1991.

CENTCOM staff directorates include personnel, intelligence, operations, logistics, plans & policy, information systems, training & exercises, and resources, as well as other functions. The intelligence section is known as JICCENT, or Joint Intelligence Center, Central Command, which serves as a The formal Area of Responsibility (AOR) extends to 20 countries: Afghanistan, Bahrain, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Lebanon, Oman, Pakistan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, United Arab Emirates (UAE), Uzbekistan, and Yemen. Its area of responsibility includes countries in the Middle East, North Africa, and Central Asia, most notably Afghanistan and Iraq. Among its first major activities was oversight of the Tanker War in the Persian Gulf (1987–1988).In April–July 1999 CENTCOM conducted Exercise Desert Crossing 1999 centered on the scenario of Saddam Hussein being ousted as Iraq’s dictator. The end of formal hostilities did not bring the end of difficulties with Iraq. The Endgame: The Inside Story of the Struggle for Iraq, from George W. Bush to Barack Obama. He served as Director of the Joint Staff assuming the job on July 5, 2017 after having previously served for two years as Director of Strategic Plans and Policy (J-5) on the Joint Staff. When the hostage crisis in Iran and the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan underlined the need to strengthen U.S. interests in the region, President Jimmy Carter established the Rapid Deployment Joint Task Force (RDJTF) in March 1980. United States Marine Corps: 11 August 2010: Incumbent: Read more about this topic: …