There’s no swelling, I think it’s all due to me taking care of myself and obviously the diet.”Okafor also spent time with four-time NBA champion John Salley, who was one of the first NBA players to publicly detail their vegan diet. I have eliminated as much olive oil as possible.

I just gave it up. I had high blood pressure at 27, everybody in my family died of cancer and I new it was in the food so I changed my diet. I’m like, ‘Man, I see a fat man.

There must be something in the New York City water, because Jordan is yet another Brooklyn Nets player living his best vegan life.

And animals are winning because of it. I cut dairy, watched a few documentaries. Current subscribers: You will continue to receive e-mail unless you explicitly opt out by clicking Current subscribers: You will continue to receive e-mail unless you explicitly opt out by clicking

“Just started eating better, cleaner, less portions. Being a vegetarian/ seems like it would be much easier for you to put on fat. John Salley, why he is a vegan wrote:I was a vegetarian first.

AND PROTEIN, I HATE BEANS BTW!He even got Swaggy P to give the vegan diet a test drive.JaVale McGee's going vegan, so Nick Young joined him for a meal.“I’m a vegetarian now,” said Jefferson.

My knee was swelling up a lot and I couldn’t really get my knee to 100 percent, so I tried cutting out dairy and the swelling went down and I went full fledge on it and I feel great. I can definitely feel it.”Kanter, who is not 100% vegan, appears to have lost 40 pounds this summer alone:He credited it to putting an end to his incessant eating of Turkish food:Enes Kanter said he was inspired to lose weight this offseason by looking in the mirror. I hardly eat them.”Of all the NBA’s vegan players, none have been more outspoken about the lifestyle change than Chandler.“A few things led me to the vegan diet. Fellow NBA player Wilson Chandler is also vegan. Four-time NBA champion John Salley is on a mission to promote a plant-based diet, and wants people to give Beyond Meat a try.

I watched In March of 2016, McGee tweeted his interest in going vegan:WHATS THE 1ST STEP TO VEGANISM? I haven’t had any issues with the knee. For whatever reason, you are now asking the question: Why should animals have rights?” to experiment on, eat, wear, use for entertainment, or abuse in any other way.

Former NBA superstar and renowned defensive specialist John Salley is taking his talents to heights – co-owning a new vegan restaurant, Café O rganix, located i n San Bernardino. The body burns more calories digesting protein (not that you can't get it from other sources), and it's so much easier to eat a lot of carbs and fat than it is to eat a lot of meat.

The 6-foot, 11-inch center is also a Beyond Meat investor and attended the premiere of the vegan documentary The Game Changers. “The reason I did it is just health benefits. “I just kept getting hurt and my knee was always inflamed. Their “I had a recurring injury in my knee,” he said. Most of my meals are vegan or fish,” he wrote. I didn't realize how many players don't eat meat. Vegan basketball champion John Salley has shared his love for a new plant-based restaurant, urging his fans to support vegan businesses. To learn more or opt-out, read our Some players have sworn off eating animals and animal products. All rights reserved. I think it is kinda interesting to see why those players are actually veg or vegan. I had to get away from that,” Irving told ESPN’s Chauncey Billups. Advertisement Going vegan is a belief that is spreading worldwide albeit at a gradual speed, but nonetheless it is a growing trend. Here are just a few of these vegan ballers who swore off meat and feel all the better for it.This ten year NBA veteran has played as both power forward and small forward for the New York Knicks and the Denver Nuggets during his career.

According to most of them, the change in diet has both helped them cut weight and increased their energy levels.Here’s a running list of NBA players who have made the transition to vegan or vegetarian diets:During his introductory media session after being traded to the Nets in early December, Okafor acknowledged that he has transitioned from mostly vegan to 100 percent vegan, and is reaping the benefits of a change in his lifestyle.