To imagine Mahmoud Ahmadinejad or even the Islamic Republic, as an existential threat to Israel is a silly joke that the Israeli propaganda machinery has turned into a deadly serious phantasm. But the Arab revolutions, even in this nascent and turbulent stage (or particularly in this stage) are the existential threat to the Jewish apartheid settler colony - and neither the Likudnik nor the liberal Zionists seem to have a clue how to reconfigure the fate of six million plus human beings trapped inside a bankrupt ideology, within thick apartheid walls and now even capped by an Iron Dome. Raining bombs on innocent Palestinians in Gaza was yet another desperate attempt to pull the clock back to December 2008-January 2009, just a year before the Arab revolutions began - it was a murderous nostalgic act of a desperate Zionist whom history has left behind.  So, yes, perhaps, Netanyahu was also testing Morsi? That consistent thievery - in broad daylight of history - is inimical to any notion of peace.Obama is fond of saying Israelis are entitled to defend themselves. In trying to read the Israeli bombing of Gaza the most useless statements are in fact those that Israeli warlords make.  "I believe that Israel made a grave and irresponsible strategic error by deciding to kill Mr Jabari." But if so, he was not the only one - Egyptians and Arabs at large are also testing Morsi. These Israeli subhumans need to be sent to concentration camps and kept there forever.Israel’s aim is to find every pretext it can to disable Gaza and slowly strangulate it. The shame of it is that U S officials starting with our President condone these lies.Remember, we are dealing with the same elements that executed 911, covered it up, and made others who didn’t go alongHamas here, Hamas there, Hamas everywhere and one behind every fire hydrant. As a progressive group, we believe that structural reform is ultimately needed to break up the dominant media conglomerates, establish independent public broadcasting and promote strong non-profit sources of information.We rely on your support to keep running.

Israel is interested in anything but peace, interested in nothing but "maiming and murdering more Palestinians".Speaking in a press conference following the announcement of a ceasefire on Wednesday, November 21, the Israeli defence minister, Ehud Barak, For the moment ignoring the fact that the Israeli defence minister cannot make two consecutive sentences without contradicting himself, what exactly is it that Israelis have achieved in this latest round of murderous bombing of Gaza - and why did they launch this attack in the first place? Their defence minister says they have achieved "all our objectives… taking out the Fajr rockets", just before admitting "those rockets continue to fall on Israel".

They are the controlling Party in Gaza. Again, it’s American blood that will be spilled for israel who was the only one who benefited 911–even Nutmanyhu [sic] said “911 was good for israel”!!! The more such a state flourishes, the more Israel thinks it has to fear. “Hamas is responsible, and Hamas will pay,” Netanyahu famously declared after the victims’ bodies were found (Journalism about the current violence is bound to focus on the Peter Hart was the activist director of FAIR for 15 years, as well as the co-host of FAIR's radio show Wow, sounds like Gulf of Tonkin and WMD redux.

The Goldstone Report also found evidence that Israel was punishing the entire Gazan populations, civilians and all. Next, I will lay out a history for dummies, i.e., all those who deny Jewish self-determination – look for it soon!I’m willing to be described as a dummy on Israel/Arab politics. But of course that’s the way cells operate – sometimes they operate on their own, and sometimes they don’t. Their use of Gaza residents as human shields is well established, as is their siting of rocket launchers near schools, mosques and hospitals, with tunnels underneath residential housing.