To maintain relevance to current weather trends the displayed information has been calculated using data collected over the past two decades. Local Weather Yreka Climate History Past weather including monthly averages for Yreka California, United States Of America From this a comfort level is calculated providing categories on how heat conditions might adversely affect someone.The average monthly amount of precipitation has been recorded at around 18 mm, that's 1 inches. Note we calculate hours of sunshine per day using our past forecast data, not observation data, thus it is an estimate and not actual.The average daily wind speed in August has been around 11 km/h, that’s the equivalent to about 7 mph, or 6 knots.

Throughout the month you can expect to see rain or drizzle falling on 2 days of the month.We calculate sunshine hours per day using our past forecast data.

This represents the average number of hours in the daytime that the sun is visible and not obscured by cloud e.g. See the current Yreka, CA weather and a 5 day forecast. For August expect the sun to shine for an average of 13 hours per day.

This rainfall is typically spread over 13 days, although this may vary considerably.

All data and statistsics are subject to change and may be incorrect or slightly outdated. Do not use the information on this website as an absolute source of 100% up to date information. Find out how often it rains, snows, and the gets cold or hot in Yreka. At night the average minimum temperature drops down to around 11°C, that's 53°F.In recent times the highest recorded temperature in August has been 40°C that's 104°F, with the lowest recorded temperature 5°C, about 41°F.The average daily relative humidity for August is around 38%.The Heat Index is a measure of how hot it feels when relative humidity is added to actual air temperature. Yreka, California, USA - August weather averages including high and low temperatures, humidity, rainfall, snowfall, daylight, sunshine, UV index, and sea temperature. Add this forecast to your website In recent years the maximum sustained wind speed has reached 44 km/h, that’s the equivalent of around 28 mph, or 24 knots.On average the month of August is not affected by foggy conditions.The following charts show yearly weather trends with information on monthly weather averages and extremes.The chart below plots the average high and low temperature for each month of the year. On average December is the wettest month of the year in Yreka with around 100mm 3.9 inches of rain making it a damp time to visit. It also shows the maximum and minimum recorded temperatures.The chart below plots the average monthly precipitation amount.The chart below plots the average number of days in any month that you can expect to see rain falling.The chart below plots the average number of days in any month that you can expect to see snow falling.The chart below plots the average daily wind speed you can expect for any month. ): 18.4 [The annual snowfall in inches.Precipitation Days: 88 [The annual number of days with measurable precipitation (over .01 inch).Sunny Days: 225 [The average number of days per year that are predominantly sunny.Average July High Temperature: 91 Complete climate information for Yreka, California.

Weather Statistics for Yreka, CA . Yreka, California Climate - 96097 Weather, Average Rainfall, and Temperatures Get the monthly weather forecast for Yreka, CA, including daily high/low, historical averages, to help you plan ahead.
The climate profile is taken from closest available data source to Yreka.Throughout the month of August daytime temperatures will generally reach highs of around 33°C that's about 91°F. Over the course of the year, the temperature typically varies from 28°F to 90°F and is rarely below 18°F or above 98°F . Also view: monthly average temperatures, precipitation, snow depth, wind speed, air quality and pollution. View the Yreka, CA weather averages on our Weather Statistics database and learn more about clean air cities and climate changes.Research city-specific data across the USA and find the information you need at!The information displayed on this website is pulled from recent census reports and other public information sources. Rainfall (in.

On the flip side this corresponds to an average of 3.7 hours of sunshine per day. the average number of hours the sun is actually out and shining. It also shows the maximum recorded sustained wind speed for each month. Average Weather in Yreka California, United States In Yreka, the summers are short, hot, dry, and mostly clear and the winters are very cold, wet, and mostly cloudy. Weather in September The first month of the autumn, September , is still a warm month in Yreka , California , with average temperature fluctuating between … Yreka, CA - Get the very latest weather forecast, including hour-by-hour views, the 10-day outlook, temperature, humidity, precipitation for your area. ): 19.4 [The annual rainfall in inches.Snowfall (in. The information presented below gives detailed historical monthly average weather conditions along with exceptional weather occurrences.