The Council approved the organisational structure of Sharjah Archaeology Authority, SAA, during which Dr. Tariq Sultan bin Khadem, Chairman of the Organisational Structure Committee, reviewed the details of the structure, including its departments and sections, indicating that the new structure comes in line with the tasks and goals entrusted to SAA. Das vordergründige Ziel des Projekts ist die Erforschung von frühbronzezeitlichen Handelsnetzwerken in der Golfregion.Ein Update vom Archäologie Projekt/von den Ausgrabungen in Sharjah, an dem auch Österreich maßgeblich beteiligt ist. This content is provided on an “as is” and “as available” basis and has not been edited in any way.

Water, electricity and Gas services are provided by Sharjah Electricity and Water Authority (SEWA). In celebration of Sharjah being named the “World Book Capital City for the year 2019,” the Sharjah Archeology Authority (SAA) on Wednesday morning held an introductory meeting to showcase the efforts of the Emirate of Sharjah in the protection and management of archaeological findings. Die "Archaeological Authority Sharjah" heißt Archäologen aus Österreich willkommen!
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There will be an integrated plan in place to use the site as part of an archaeological park linked to the historical area. There is a possibility that another castle existed in the Khor Kalba, as the two areas are extremely important from the historical and archeological aspects.”Eisa Yousif, Director of Archaeology and Tangible Heritage at Sharjah Archeology Authority said, “The excavations on the site began five years ago and are currently underway. Reports of many excavations and expeditions have shown that humans have been settled in Sharjah for more than 125.000 years. Hierzu werden pseudonymisierte Daten von Website-Besuchern gesammelt und ausgewertet. Waste management by recycling and waste management company Bee'ah. Ein interessanter E-Vortrag zu den bisherigen Ergebnissen der Feldforschungen in Kalba.
HE Dr Sabah Abboud Jasim, Director-General, Sharjah Archaeology Authority said: "The Portuguese mission is currently operating in the eastern region of the Emirate of Sharjah, specifically in Khor Fakkan and Khor Kalba, where we found remains and foundations of walls that may be part of the Portuguese historical castle. Sharjah Commerce and Tourism Development Authority does not sell, trade, or otherwise transfer to outside parties your Personal Information. It moved to its current location on May 10, 1997. Die mit * gekennzeichneten Felder sind Pflichtfelder. People with Disabilities: This website is not responsible for, and does not control, such external content. Wir möchten hiermit ein großes Dankeschön an Air Arabia aussprechen für das Sponsoring.Mit Klick auf den oben stehenden Videobeitrag finden Sie auf unserer Facebook-Seite einen sehr schönen Beitrag über die Hauptstadt der Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate - Abu Dhabi: von der Entwicklung der Emirate, über die kulturellen Aspekt bis hinzu der Präsenz Österreichs in den VAE!Mit Klick auf den oben stehenden Videobeitrag finden Sie auf unserer Facebook-Seite einen sehr interessanten Beitrag zu den vergangenen Nochmals Herzliche Gratulation an all unsere erfolgreichen AthletInnen! Opening Hours : Saturday to Thursday 8:00 AM - 8:00 PM Friday: 4:00 PM - 8:00 PM Visitors Health & … The archaeological findings reveal the connections and relations between Sharjah inhabitants and their neighbours in the Arabian Peninsula, as well as with other civilizations. They also show the expansion of commercial relationships from the Indus Valley in the East to the Mediterranean islands in the West. Dezember 2019 begrüßte die „Archaeological Authority Sharjah“ (AAS) ein weiteres Mal eine Delegation des Österreichischen Archäologischen Instituts, sowie Botschafter Dr. Andreas Liebmann.