Of course, higher versions would come with a bigger 4.4-liter V8 that delivers 456 horsepower.

Découvrez des services de mobilité haut de gamme pour ne profiter que du plaisir de conduire.Veiller à votre confort, vous ouvrir toutes les portes de l’exclusivité, éveiller votre éternelle curiosité, devancer les tendances… Telle est la vision du luxe selon BMW. More details should be known in the future. Of course, that means a new CLAR unibody platform as well. After all, this is not the first time that the Bavarian carmaker is playing with pickup design.

So, you can notice that taillights are pretty much the same as in the crossover. Cette ligne se prolonge jusqu'à la poupe, elle souligne la longueur du SUV et sa présence expressive. No, this isn't a late April Fools' Day prank.

After the first rendering photos were released, we were all talking about the V8 engine, but the base version would probably feature a 3.0-liter inline-six with around 335 horsepower.The famous 4.4-liter V8 would be optional.

Still, that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t fantasize about this pickup and make some prediction about how the production version would look like. It is for about four inches longer than the SUV, but we it is also lighter, for about 80 pounds.

Another interesting detail is the cargo bed, with features a nice yacht-like wood panels.There’s no doubt that the new BMW X7 Pickup Truck if it ever arrives, would feature a familiar engine lineup.

This particularly refers to the dashboard design, which should be identical.

La configuration alternative à six places permet de profiter du trajet dans des conditions particulièrement luxueuses et confortables, en offrant un surcroît d’intimité.
Accélère les sensations : la Nouvelle BMW X7 M50d rayonne de force pure et d'assurance. This has always been an interesting part of BMW vehicles.

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