Recycling action figures, dolls, handheld games, and toys of all types can be a bit of pain.

In 2014, Americans generated about One of the things that separates plastic toys from other plastic objects is that they’re essentially destined for the landfill, said Brent Bell, vice president of recycling at Waste Management, a company that provides recycling solutions to businesses and residences in North America. The recyclable components can’t be separated out, and become prohibitive for recycling centers, Bell explained.It’s not just the environmental impact that advocates are concerned about. Or, the playthings can be made from such insufficient materials that they’ll fall apart after just a few uses and quickly wind up in the trash.“You have all these toys ― they’re cheap, they’re made out of plastic, they break easily. Most of the time they end up in the trash,” said Steve Rho, CEO of sustainable toy company It hit Rho just how detrimental plastic toys are after he took one of his daughters to a birthday party at a Chuck E. Cheese’s location in Los Angeles. “To recycle children’s toys, you’ll most likely need to break them apart into separate materials. Being sure you are responsibly discarding those old and broken toys can be a great way to further reduce your family’s environmental footprint. While this doesn’t necessarily mean consumers are Toys typically serve one role and can’t be repurposed.Another issue with plastic toys is the rate at which they’re being consumed.

Its not like recycling a plastic container, which is probably made of only one type of plastic.

By Eleanor Goldberg, HuffPost US Business Reporter, HuffPost

Items made from wood, cotton, metal and natural rubber are considered feasible alternatives to plastic toys. The problem with this, obviously, is that toys are made with

Ltd. All rights reserved. Apart from shelters and child care centers, the most obvious and accessible donation options are thrift stores like Goodwill, which will accept clean and functional toys that can be resold. Donating functional toys for reuse should always be the first line of defense. How big an industry toys are, how much of an impact they could have if they were made sustainably.”It’s not just flimsy toys that immediately fall apart that are problematic. Until recently, recycling options for broken and unusable toys have been difficult to come by. When his daughter got home, she played with the toys with her sister for a little while, until most of them broke.Rho and his wife, Kristin, had no choice but to dump the plastic bits into the garbage since they knew their local recycling center wouldn’t accept such items.“It kind of dawned on us, that was us ― one family,” Rho said.

If you are a parent, you know how quickly your kids can go through their toys.

AskLogin. The health effects of the chemicals used in the manufacturing of plastic toys are not fully known, but at least one type of common chemical, called phthalates ― which is used to soften soys ― has been linked to a number of health issues, including Environmental experts say to look to the products of eras past ― when toys were made from durable materials that could be passed down from one generation to the next.

Tom Szaky is the CEO and founder of TerraCycle, a company that makes consumer products from waste. plastic toys or metal toys like metal toy robot can be recycled(like aluminum,plastic,glass etc) so yes toys can be recycled. Newsletters may offer personalized content or advertisements. “You’re not going to find these really sustainable options when you walk into Toys R Us. Most modern toys are different.

The magnitude of it started to dawn on us. You are unlikely to find municipal programs that accept them. There’s nothing quite like seeing the look of sheer joy on a child’s face after handing him a brand new, shiny gift. While many broken electronic toys can be recycled by state-operated