They could not sustain a thought or an argument, could not write well enough to manage their own affairs without assistance. "For over 20 years John Taylor Gatto has been working tirelessly to teach us the truth about our educational system - that compulsory schooling does not work to foster a democratic way of life." Ben Franklin, son of a candlemaker in a family of seventeen, was the perfect emblem of the difference. Let's have Gatto as US Secretary of Education and then, this time, he can blow it all up." "John Taylor Gatto has been a hero of mine for years. By the end of the nineteenth century, school was looked at by insiders as a branch of industry. The folks who gave us forced schooling on the Prussian template were among the finest, most honorable families in the land. Please try againSorry, we failed to record your vote. Charles Murray and Richard Hernnstein contended in a national #1-bestseller, A second corrective piece of information turned up as I was writing this: data from nearly all-black Jamaica for the year 2004 shows the literacy rate there at 98.5 percent, considerably higher than the 2005 American rate for What might explain the sharp decline in literacy among blacks, if By 1952 the Army had hired a brigade of psychologists to expose what it believed must be mass fraud, so many were failing to qualify. WWII was over in 1945. or online bookstore? How can people be so gullible". In the new world of forced schooling, the training of the young was simply too important a matter to be left to For a compelling answer to that question, you must read Thomas Hobbes' immortal book, As the initially transparent motives for schooling were undermined, professionalized pedagogy worked in tandem with government to recommit the institution to the service of corporate economy. Almost at once, even before compulsion had claimed every American state, a process of consolidation began, intended to curb localism. Reviewed in the United Kingdom on November 19, 2016This shopping feature will continue to load items when the Enter key is pressed. Classical business values corrupt education, they have no place in education except as cultural artifacts to be examined. This was accomplished through compulsory schooling. At the center John Witt places the first code for the conduct of war, promulgated by Lincoln during the darkest days of the Civil War: harsh, relentless, realistic, yet placing firm limits forbidding torture, the abuse of prisoners, treachery and purposeful harm to civilians. "It happens rarely, but whenever I do read a newspaper, listen to the radio, or watch television, on a variety of topics, I find myself wondering, "How? whether in bookstores? Max Muller, an Eastern European geneticist, inspired Rockefeller to invest heavily in control of human evolution. Neither report received much public attention.

. At the center John Witt places the first code for the conduct of war, promulgated by Lincoln during the darkest days of the Civil War: harsh, relentless, realistic, yet placing firm limits forbidding torture, the abuse of prisoners, treachery and purposeful harm to civilians.
The myth of a golden age of public schooling is the creation of Ellwood P. Cubberley, Dean of Teacher Education at Stanford University. The code’s 157 articles, short and pithy, define right conduct in specific situations and establish the reasoning and the principles underlying the rules. Enabling JavaScript in your browser will allow you to experience all the features of our site. It set out to create a reflexive obedience to official directions as opposed to accepting responsibility for one's own learning. As a parent of an 8 year old I attended numerous open houses at many private and public schools in NYC/NJ.

Not connecting those dots. Very well written and helpful in administrating a home education program. The present educational conventions [of intellectual and moral education] fade from our minds, and unhampered by tradition we work our own good will upon a grateful and responsive folk. Forced schooling provides a spectacular jobs project, one almost infinitely elastic, one expanding and contracting with employment needs. But good info. If you don't like it, take it up with them." Eighteen million were tested and 17,280,000 were judged to have the minimum competence in reading necessary to be a soldier - a 96 percent literacy rate. Long before this habit training took hold, America was, by any historical yardstick, formidably well-educated, a place of aggressively free speech and argument - dynamically entrepreneurial, dazzlingly inventive, and as egalitarian a place as human nature could tolerate.

School, thought Harris the great American schoolman, should prepare ordinary men and women for lifetimes of alienation. It not only gave me reassurance that I had done the right thing by choosing to remove my unhappy children from school, it made me see my whole school life through a different lense. Mutation appeared to open the door to the scientific control of all life. A few months before the Manifesto began circulating aggressively, an executive director of the National Education Association announced the NEA expected "to accomplish by education what dictators in Europe are seeking to do by compulsion and force."
. We all have books we come across which challenge our views and ideas in a way we had not considered previously - and this was one of them. This is not an accident but the result of substantial education which, scientifically defined, is the subsumption of the individual. Have our schools become mere Weapons of Mass Instruction, or can they be transformed to offer genuine freedom to learn? Even so far below costs that the capital required to produce at all is wiped out.

Traveling to a book wholesaler, open to anybody, to secure its standard 40% discount, as I stood at the cash register with a hundred copies of "You've made a mistake," I told her. The great purpose of school [self-alienation] can be realized better in dark, airless, ugly places.

And worse I heard high school teachers tell stories of students who could not read, perform simple computations, nor write coherent sentences, yet they were told to move the students along, while making sure they could pass the state-mandated tests.Bravo Gatto, A book written from the heart by an author who knows his subject Something went wrong.