%PDF-1.2 %���� We help promote and protect these rights.© European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights, 2007-2020Irregular migration, return and immigration detention All rights reserved The interviews were carried out in a place where only the respondent and the interviewer were present and they could not be disturbed.Participation was voluntary. The study showed that alcoholism ofhusbands is one of the main cause of domestic violence against women’Keywords: domestic violence, women, gender discrimination,genderIn the chequered history of mankind one finds that different and disparatecultures, however distant they may be in time and space have at least onething in common and that is the contempt of women. Gender based violence –including rape, domestic violence, mutilation, murder and sexual abuse- is aprofound health problem for women across the globe. FRA and the contractors participated in some training sessions to monitor the training content.The questionnaire was translated into local languages, which were used to interview respondents. Násilie páchané na ženách je v rozpore s hlavnými základnými právami žien, ako je dôstojnosť, prístup k spravodlivosti a rodová rovnosť. Methods: Three © 2008-2020 ResearchGate GmbH. An interview schedule was prepared to assess the prevalence of domestic violence. This study reviles the presence of domestic violence in Indian women's. Por ejemplo, una de cada tres mujeres ha experimentado violencia física y/o sexual desde los 15 años; una de cada cinco mujeres ha sufrido acoso y una de cada dos mujeres se ha enfrentado a una o varias formas de acoso sexual. Care was taken during the data analysis so that nobody can be recognised from the results.The length of interviews with each respondent depended a lot on their experiences. domestic_violence_survey.pdf. FRA will also work in close cooperation with the Member States and civil society organisations. If you or a friend is suffering from physical abuse, emotional abuse, psychological abuse or verbal abuse, this free service can help. Strangers were reported to account for less than 2% of the perpetrators of rape in either county. Domestic violence in Assam has declined by 14.9 percentage points followed by Madhya Pradesh (12.7

importance of integrating a gender perspective and a greater gender balance at all levels of decision making and power structures in peace keeping, peace building, and post-conflict reconstruction.

94% in the previous survey. It is based on interviews with 42,000 women across the EU, who were asked about their experiences of physical, sexual and psychological violence, including incidents of intimate partner violence (‘domestic violence’).The survey also included questions on stalking, sexual harassment, and the role played by new technologies in women’s experiences of abuse. The study population comprised females in Montserrado and Nimba counties. Select domestic violence programs based on location, service and language needs. The objective of this study is to find the nature and different causes of domestic violence against women during the lockdown situation of COVID-19. The respondent could say at any point whether she was comfortable to continue or not.Respondents could also mention any experiences which they did not want to disclose in the interview in a self-completion questionnaire. Injuries due to violence have only recently been recognized as an important public health problem. Domestic violence refers to the physical or emotional abuse of a woman by a person with whom she has an intimate relationship.