More than three quarters of the Peruvian territory lies east of the Andes. Peru is an excellent place to view interesting animals, since it is home to many species that are native to South America. Photo credit: shutterstockTravel to the heart of the Peruvian Amazon basin from the base-town of Encounter this charming creature, the The Amazon River pink dolphin on your Amazon River cruise. The rainforest animals are the most complete variety that you can find. The jungle or Selva has two parts, the high and the low Selva. Peru has several animals species that live there. The Animals of the Andes mountain range Are the puma, the llama, the Andean cat, the condor and some curious insect like the spider unicorn, among others..

What ticks her fancy most? Regarded as one of the world’s best bird-watching destinations, Peru ranks second-highest in terms of unique bird species, with new species constantly discovered. It is easy to see a few species on night hikes in the lowland rain forest areas in Tambopata, Manu or Iquitos. The hairless dog is often found meandering through some of the most famous archaeological sites along the coast, such as The Peruvian Hairless dog. From the Pacific Ocean to the Andes Mountains, this South American country boasts a stunning variety of animals, from big cats to …

Venomous snakes and poisonous spiders and dangerous animals and insects in Peru.

Alpacas, on the other hand, have learnt to use their good looks and golden locks to get ahead in life, and instead of lugging around bags of potatoes they gift the world one of its most prized wool. Photo credit: shutterstockArguably the rarest species of wildlife in Peru, the Would you like to encounter the Amazonian Puma in Peru? The Andean cock-of-the-rock is the country’s national animal and the spectacularly coloured bird is found deep within the Andean cloud forests, where it spends most of its day jumping up and down on branches, emitting guttural croaks and squeaks to attract a mate. She’s tour-guided overland trips through South America and Africa, travelled independently through the Middle East and has completed a 6-year motorbike trip from Europe to Australia. So great is the variety of species that is estimated that most of them still undiscovered. Animals in Peru have specialized and adapted to the conditions of its geography. Reptiles are cold-blooded animals unable to regulate their body temperature. Two main characteristics distinguish reptiles, their bodies are covered with scales and they are able to lay hard-shelled eggs.

Dozens of monkey species live in the jungles of Peru. personalized itinerary to PeruPackages start at USD$1,239 for our 4-day Cusco & Machu Picchu package (with domestic flights included. Llamas and their stockier cousins, alpacas, are now synonymous with Peru and have been an intrinsic part of local culture and folklore for thousands of years.
These animals include jaguars, spectacled bears, yellow tailed wooly monkey, owlets, and toucans. Head to Manu Biosphere Reserve, one of the world’s best wildlife-viewing platforms, and keep your eyes peeled on the river banks, where jaguars can best be spotted. In f… Photo credit: shutterstockCamera shy and painfully elusive, the big cat of the Amazon is a bucket-list contender for all animal lovers visiting Peru.
Some of the animals that live in the Amazon Rainforest include jaguars, sloths, river dolphins, macaws, anacondas, glass frogs, and poison dart frogs. Unfortunately for the alpaca, however, its meat also boasts a very low percentage of cholesterol, so when it’s done being shorn it does get grilled, usually medium-rare. Reptiles in the Amazon include turtles, tortoises, lizards, snakes and caimans.