(I got it from his power page) he could just do that which would b way 2 fast for ghost rider 2 even do hellfire on him. Surfer has a little doo dad called "Molecular Manipulation" and "phasing". Ghost Rider [Blaze] can defeat most enemies who have a soul.

Second of all, we're talking about comics, I don't think Jesus, Holy Spirit or any of that is in the Marvel U that I know of. @Theracles: I pretty sure time 2 time we talk about the movie 2. Next, Ghost Rider couldn't handle Hulk, and Surfer can handle Hulk. @Valtot said: "superman has the largest lists as all the other powerhouses, im pretty sure every powerhouse has had a thread against superman alot more than once " Movies are non-canon and are never used in battle threads unless specifically mentioned in the original post. Ghost Rider … No BFR. Will it work on Surfer?He killed billions of life on other planets after all.i don't think so,surfer is pure of heart,which the stare does not work onLMAO! That'd hilarious. This is whatever version of Ghost Rider's the strongest. Second of all, we're talking about comics, I don't think Jesus, Holy Spirit or any of that is in the Marvel U that I know of. and for the guy who is talking about the ss vs hulk figth, it onley happened that way because the hulk was awekened after going trhoug a space portal in planet hulk, otherwise ss would never stand a chance agaist the hulk, after all, he is "THE INVINCIBLE HULK"Ok. First of all stop using "da" it's annoying.

Surfer has a little doo dad called "Molecular Manipulation" and "phasing". The ghost rider is immune to physical damage. The only thing that can hurt the ghost rider is weapons forged in heaven or high level magic attacks which is something that the surfer doesnt have. Silver Surfer. surfer is on such another level to someone like GR it's not funny!

He can also incapacitate the surfer with his chains.This has been done before, I don't blame you though, I couldn't find it either for a while, anyways, SS won the battle. surfer is on such another level to someone like GR it's not funny! The Surfer could also channel energy through his hands also known as energy beams that can destroy a world." On the other hand, the ghost rider can hurt the surfer with hellfire and the penance stare. surfer has had run ins with mephisto himself, as has thor, and if i remember correctly, it was mephisto who taught Zarathos a lesson, who Mephisto fused to a human soul to do his bidding! i'll have my wife help me look for it when she gets on later.Silver Surfer.

People who think SS wins clearly don't know anything about GR.SS gets his soul burned and sent into the pits of Hell.I think we have to get into SS's anatomy (if his eyes are covered or whatever) to decide if the PS will work on him. He doesn't LIKE hurting people.Ok...yes this has been done before. The only thing that can hurt the ghost rider is weapons forged in heaven or high level magic attacks which is something that the surfer doesnt have. surfer has no problems with mephisto, and mephisto>GR since he put him there!Silver Surfer just cause of that molecular manipulation thingy....I am now confused after seeing that this thread exists...dude, i seriously think you need to read more comics if you want to talk in this forum because in ghost rider comics they talk about heaven, hell, God, Jesus and all that stuff a lot... and i think that even if silver surfer wins the figth, it would be a really nice figth to happen, theyre both very powerfull. If he can beat Galactus then it's way 2 clear that he can beat Ghost Rider. Winduizcool said: @Theracles: I pretty sure time 2 time we talk about the movie 2. It's interesting that the Care Bears can take out someone that is arguably strong enough to drop a herald of Galactus.Ghost Rider easily, a penance stare would drop Norrin. The ghost rider is immune to physical damage. Ghost Rider wins this match because the surfer has no way to put the rider down.

Next, Ghost Rider couldn't handle Hulk, and Surfer can handle Hulk. If he can beat Galactus then it's way 2 clear that he can beat Ghost Rider. Ghost rider wins on the account that surfer would not fight back to his FULL potential. @Theracles: Oh, that's strange. in the end, he's just low level in the heirachy! Ghost Rider [Blaze] can kill and defeat Silver Surfer. This has probably been done before, but I couldn't find it on the search so here goes. I wonder y in Fantastic 4 2 Silver Surfer went inside Galactus and says "I will no ... @Theracles: I pretty sure time 2 time we talk about the movie 2. Surfer's on earth scouting it out for Galactus and Ghost Rider confronts him, based on his belief that Surfer will kill innocents.Fight starts at 50 ft, and win by KO, Death, or Incap. "Ok. First of all, stop using 'da' it's annoying." fun and games aside, this isn't even a battle! fun and games aside, this isn't even a battle! Ghost Rider would walk out of this battle only if surfer let him!

either that or i was having a dream, but on the cover it had ghost rider holding ss up by his neck and ss was out cold.haha i think marvel staff should make something like a video of this figth because ive been years making comments in all forums i find about the subject and they seem to not care at all about them hahaha, who knows, mabey theres already a video or a comic where ss fights gr and i dont know about it, please tell me because i really would like to take a look to that fightthis was back like 15 years or so when me and my brother was collecting spawn comics, anyways i think the cover read something like Death of Silver surfer or something like that.