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Connect the properly free KLIMAT plugin with your STRAVA …
To view the temperature data I have to go to my training log website and I rarely do that.
Should you already have a description Klimat will add the weather to it.No. sonnig
Die Niederschlagswahrscheinlichkeit und die Niederschlagsmenge dagegen beziehen sich immer auf die gesamte Stunde.
You might say that
gefühlt Klimat.
Particularly the wind is a key factor there.You might also know that there are other STRAVA services that include weather-related components which alert you to potentially favourable weather conditions on some of your trickier KOM/QOM challenges. Weitere Stunden anzeigen
GitHub is home to over 50 million developers working together to host and review code, manage projects, and build software together. 02:00 - 03:00 But, it’s a start.You might also have to consider how long you take before you upload your ride. sonnig Nachts gibt es keine Wolken und die Sterne sind klar zu erkennen bei einer Temperatur von 26°C.
06:00 - 07:00 4
With cycling, I guess that irrelevant.It’s obviously nothing fancy but I’m hoping that STRAVA will expand the functionality over time as, for example, the weather a particular point in time is pretty meaningless if you’ve just come back from a sometimes-stormy 5-hour ride. 04:00 - 05:00
GPS information is used for data lookup and immediately discarded - Klimat does not store GPS information.Click on the Connect button for your training log on this page. All processing is done in the cloud.So Klimat can add weather information to your activities.Klimat will always have a free tier with basic weather.
10:00 - 11:00 This app applies a weather summary to Strava activitiesThis is only a proof-of-concept cli app which opens a browser to authorize the app, fetches a list of activities, and prompts the user to choose one to add weather information to.
Automatically.Choose the data, set your format, label it how you want - even use your own language.No.
A tool for adding weather information to the description of strava activities - hoovercj/strava-weather When you upload a new activity to Strava Klimat gets notified. 15 Strava has made a major change to how its famous "segments" work, seeking to reward effort. This is rare, but when it happens it can take up to a few hours to process an activity.If you'd like to stop using Klimat just go to your training log and remove Klimat's access.After you upload or update an activity Klimat looks up the data for the time and location of the activity. 07:00 - 08:00 5 One thing Strava won't give you is information about the weather that you experienced during your ride.
So I’m not sure if that will affect Klimat on STRAVA.
48 % In Stravá gibt es am Tag strahlenden Sonnenschein und die Temperaturen liegen zwischen 26 und 33°C. Ein heftiges Unwetter mit Starkregen, Sturmböen und Gewittern zog am Mittwochabend über Bonn hinweg.
10:00 After you upload or update an activity in Strava, Klimat looks up the weather for the specific time and location. Just connect Klimat to your training log and it handles the rest.
12 After that, scroll down a smidge, and you’ll see it.
Wetter Stérna
Not only that, you can choose what to show and what not to show by editing the “Weather Template” field according to the explanation below. 49 %
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