Exporting allows you to save each individual artboard separately in a flattened format so you'll have a copy of each poster in a separate file for printing or sharing.Let's first save our project by choosing File, Save. Let’s add a website to balance the poster. Then, he applied a layer mask and painted with a black textured brush to create a ragged edge for the image.To combine imagery and texture, Araújo added a blue texture and blended it into the scene with another layer mask. We'll start by moving both of our images into the same document and positioning them where we need them. Blending textures, images, and type can make for a composition that is sure to get noticed. Now we'll export the individual posters.
Finally, to finish everything up, I am going to arrange our poster text. Step 4. Choose a destination and click Save. He also customized additional text in Adobe Illustrator and added it as a Smart Object to his Photoshop composition.Share news and events in a way that people will be sure to notice.Selecting a region changes the language and/or content on Adobe.com.Selecting a region changes the language and/or content on Adobe.com. Then we'll blend the two images together using a layer mask. To print a poster on multiple pages first you would have to split the photo into parts. Bring up the guides by pressing Command-;. Learn how to make different versions of poster designs in Photoshop using layers, text, artboards, images, and more.
Next, I will be changing the font to Ultra. Click Okay. He right-clicked and chose Create Clipping Mask to clip the texture to the liquified type layer, adding a ripple effect to the word. Then, he placed the water ripple image on to the canvas, scaled it to cover the letters and pressed Enter (Windows), or Return (macOS), to place it. In this tutorial, I show you how easy it is to blend images like a movie poster with Photoshop! He blends photography and fine art to create mixed media projects for several Brazilian brands.This sample file is an Adobe Stock asset you can use to practice what you learn in this tutorial. Next, he used the Freeze Mask tool to brush over the letter U to protect it from any accidental editing. Resize both text layers by pressing Command-T to fill the poster, vertically, from guide to guide. Artboards let you create multiple layouts with different content or in different sizes in a single document, and you can see them all at once.We'll start by creating an artboard for this image:A new artboard is created that's the size of the image.I chose a Typekit font that comes with my Creative Cloud subscription. Tiago Araújo is a designer and art director who lives in Brazil. Use the Color Picker Tool in Photoshop to pick colors right off your poster.
Liquify the letters
Then, he added an image of a wave into the composition.For this piece, Araújo synced Henderson Slab from Adobe Fonts, typed the word ÁGUA, and sized and positioned the copy to his liking. He placed a black texture image in the lower-right corner and used the Rectangular Marquee (M) to select part of the new texture. If you want to use the sample file beyond this tutorial, you can purchase a license on Cropped version of a final poster with picture of a wave, a liquified letter U, and Portuguese wordsAraújo began by opening a previously saved poster-sized file with a background image that simulates the look of paper grain. Step 7. Choose File, Export, Export As. Click Export All to save each individual artboard as a separate file. You can use the skills you just learned to create your next project in Photoshop.
In the Export As dialogue box, you can choose the file type.
Saving saves all the artboards intact in one file along with the layers. He selected the Ellipse tool and held Shift as he dragged out a circle. He selected the Type tool, hovered over the circle, and clicked where he wanted the text to start.
Add images, customized typeface, layer masks, and textures for a unique look. Have some fun and see what you create.Selecting a region changes the language and/or content on Adobe.com.Selecting a region changes the language and/or content on Adobe.com.