The consequence is that we have a stomachic piety; the question becomes, How is your digestion to-day? The Jews spoke of Cain as the first 'freethinker,' and these unbelievers would be his followers in that respect.

It is divided into five parts. Growth is its security against decay, and its protection against temptation. Why should God have buried Moses, and kept the place a secret?

That is not a certain inference from the previous verse. This is the great principle of the downfall of the testimony established by God in the world by means of the corruption of the vessel which contains it, and which bears its name.

Six terse descriptions of these teachers may be given as follows: visionary (The description of the teachers is followed by a reference to the foreknowledge of them (The reference to the false teachers gives way to a description of the true church in sharp contrast with the false (The exhortation is followed by instruction concerning soul-winning (The benediction and ascription follow.

The abuse of grace is the most fatal canker in the Church.

""It is probable that since Jude is not mentioned within the Acts of the Apostles nor in any of the other books of the New Testament, he was not a leader in the early church. Having men's persons in admiration because of advantage] RV 'shewing respect of persons for the sake of advantage.'
God's love embraces in Himself those whom He loves.

they break up the Church into parties and sects: cp.

The danger was created by the presence and influence of certain men who were making the grace of God an occasion for lasciviousness.Three illustrations were given of the evil results of apostasy, those of Israel, angels, and the cities of the plain. What makes this epistle particularly applicable to, or useful in, these days? The fire may be called eternal, because the destruction wrought by it remains.

From its vigorous style and wide range of speculation the book is well worthy of the attention which it received in the first ages; and recent investigations have still left many points for further inquiry. These are the two elements of the evil which the instruments of Satan introduced, the rejection of the authority of Christ (not His name): and the abuse of grace, in order to indulge their own lusts.

The corruption of the best is the worst. ‘I press on towards the goal, towards the prize of the high/upward calling of God in Christ Jesus our Lord’ (John expands on the idea of God’s love for us when he declares, ‘in this was the love of God manifested in us, that God has sent His only true-born Son into the world, that we might live through Him. Jude 1:9 • Jude 1:9 NIV • Jude 1:9 NLT • Jude 1:9 ESV • Jude 1:9 NASB • Jude 1:9 KJV • Jude 1:9 Commentaries • Jude 1:9 Bible Apps • Jude 1:9 Biblia Paralela • Jude 1:9 Chinese Bible • Jude 1:9 French Bible • Jude 1:9 German Bible Interlinear Bible Bible Hub


Plucked up by the roots is no doubt prophetic, as is Raging waves of the sea expresses Gentile lawlessness, "foaming" with noise and show, but only declaring their own shame, for foam is almost entirely air. ours will certainly be unspeakable and full of glory," but His will exceed ours.

"Very many such words are recorded in Church history, and that, too, as spoken in justification of unbridled lust. There follows yet another description of the same men, taking up that in From these corrupters of the Church, who have occupied his pen so long and so painfully, Jude now turns direct to his readers and brings his 'subject to a fitting close, with a couple of exhortations full of a wise and tender concern.

“Feeding themselves without fear,” should be, “Shepherds that without fear feed themselves.” It is characteristic of the heretical teacher that he is thinking of himself rather than the flock.

4. What the writer expresses is not the mere fact that he is to do a certain thing, but that he has the wish to do so.

He must throw away his long studies; he is working from the wrong point: it is as if he had taken out a ladder, saying, I am in search of the stars.

And then the contention of Michael, how that brings to mind the teaching in Daniel concerning him as the prince that stands for Israel! ""Each of these points in Jude"s address seem to be alluded to later in the epistle: the calling may be hinted at in the words "the salvation we share" ( "Kept" is a key word in this epistle occurring five times ("Spiritually we are simply that which we have received, and Jude does not lose sight of this for a moment, even when he is insisting upon the importance of the human co-operation by which the work of grace is made complete. It is not to God that they look.

What two things is God able to do for believers in His Son? A doctrine of God and things Divine which becomes mistaken, imperfect, or corrupt, cannot but affect the conduct which a man allows himself. Go to Jude, a bond-servant of Jesus Christ, and brother of James, To those who are the called, beloved in God the Father, and kept for Jesus Christ: To report dead links, typos, or html errors or suggestions about making these resources more useful use our convenient Jude, a servant of Jesus Christ, and brother of James, to them that are called, beloved in God the Father, and kept for Jesus Christ:Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible Judas, a servant of Jesus Christ, and brother of James.who were before of old ordained to this condemnation.given themselves over to fornication, and gone after strange flesh.When contending with the devil he disputed about the body of Moses, durst not bring against him a railing accusation, but said, The Lord rebuke thee.