While the enhancements may work in some older browser versions, they are not officially supported. I looked it up and it has recommendations in LibraryThing.There is a weird book recommendation. How can I fix it?What if I accidentally accepted or rejected a review and I'd like to change it?What if someone from another library adds a review to my library?Can someone who's not a patron at our library sign up to review?If my library doesn't buy the LTFL Reviews Enhancement, can I still sign up to review at another library?Can I remove any awards data I don't want showing in my catalog?Why do I need to send LibraryThing my library's data?What if we use a firewall, proxy server, Deep Freeze or other computer moderation software?We have two OPAC servers for our system.
That's where you'll see the reviews that need to be moderated. Send it all, or at least a very large piece with "coherence to it," like all your fiction, or all your history. LibraryThing relies on data from Amazon, and over 65 million library records. The idea of creating a new enhancement that allows patrons (and librarians) to tag is something we're considering. What's New Book Display …

In the moderation panel, you'll see the title of the item, the username (and email, if the patron has signed up with an email) and the content of their review. Conveniently, they are different colors and there is a legend with widget names at the bottom. Definitely included the times someone clicked through to the catalog. If one or both prove useful, we can implement this. Often, we we have don't have many copies of the item in LibraryThing, it greatly affect recommendations. The system was not designed for one catalog, which would be potentially brittle and limited, but for literally hundreds. With a small data set the "software" would work, but the data wouldn't. Specifically, the main code is coming from "www.librarything.com", the data that gets loaded comes from "ltfl.librarything.com" and the images come from "static.librarything.com". They'll have to go to your OPAC every time to sign in and review items. Yes, both Series and Awards come with a moderation page. Our code uses the first ISBN it recognizes. At present you can update your ISBN data in two ways: Libraries connecting to the Australian server will want to also include the following address: You may need to change your ISBN-based URL to not include the server name. So, if you implemented them at different times, this could be a false indications. So, for books in LTFL libraries to have new tags show up, the work must have a number of people who have all tagged it the same. On the moderation page you can also see previously accepted and denied reviews and change them if you'd like. The short answer is that it's usually because there aren't any similar titles on LibraryThing.com.
You can make them unmoderated again, or put them in the opposite category (rejected if it's accepted, or accepted if it's denied). The short answer is "sophisticated screen-scaping." Scroll down to the "Common Knowledge" section and add the award. Most often, this is due to the re-use of an ISBN by publishers. LibraryThing for Libraries OPAC enhancements are designed to run in Firefox 9.0+, Chrome, Internet Explorer 8.0+, and Safari 5.0+. How many widgets were loaded on a given day in TOTAL LibraryThing for Libraries™ taps into more than 85 million books and 95 million library-vetted tags. LibraryThing for Libraries brings the power of LibraryThing to your library catalog. If we were to want to put LTFL on both servers, would this require a second LTFL account?I used my LibraryThing account to tag a book.

Testing has shown that the "carousel" display type is the most widely compliant display type.

All the code is validated against dozens of systems, and revalidated constantly to prevent problems. In your LTFL account, under Configuration, you can change the option called Drop risky recommendations? This is mostly helpful for those libraries who use the same widget on multiple pages, or to quickly show a page-based context for widgets. Why can I see the titles (Tags, Similar Titles) but no data?Why do books show up under the same tag, but they're not similar titles on LibraryThing?I used my LibraryThing account to tag a book. The Shelf Browse enhancement depends on data besides ISBN, title and author (it requires call numbers, for one thing). LibraryThing does not make network connections in to your servers or clients, but they do need to be able to connect out to us to get our content. Book Display Widgets are compliant with ADA regulations in specific settings. If you have added several items to an award and it is still not appearing, please email abby@librarything.com with details, including the name of the award and the items you have added to the award.

Email abby@librarything.com to request an account.) The LibraryThing work page is the page that encompasses all editions. The more they rate, the better their recommendations become!

The code is "flexible" in ways no single-OPAC product could be. Click "series and awards" under Moderation on the Enhancements tab. More about promoting, or spotlighting certain awards LibraryThing for Libraries does not integrate with your ILS on the back end.

If your catalog is on https, you'll want to also call the LTFL javascript as https.