Okoye mourns over George's death, as he looks around to see surviving people. Once a normal crocodile living in a lake of the Florida Everglades, she is exposed by a genetic-altering chemical which mutates her into a gigantic crocodilian-like monster. He made his first debut in Rampage (1986), then reappeared in Rampage: World Tour, Rampage 2: Universal Tour, Rampage Through Time, Rampage: Puzzle Attack, and the most recent game in the series, Rampage: Total Destruction. Lizzie would do the bulk of the damage and ralph and george would keep him too distracted to deal with that main threat. Kong is cool and all, has nice feats but I don't see him taking all 3 out especially in a team match.Unfortunately Lizzie isn’t as agile and kong will have an easier time dealing with sheer strength over agilityA skyscraper only falls once. i give it to kong 6/10Just watched Rampage and I gotta give it to them on all rounds. Russell explains that two other animals have also been infected: a wolf named Ralph and a crocodile named Lizzie. The only way Rampage team wins is if they have Godzilla instead of the slow crocodile. Whichever one it was.They changed it, then. As for Lizzie, this would be much harder, but Kong could still take it. Despite her larger size, she might not be as fast as Ralph and is more slower than George. Crock was the mutated croc in Rampage. However, Lizzie survives and overpowers George, who is impaled by rebar. Ralph has retractable wing membranes between his legs that allow him to glide and fly like a flying squirrel. Ralph is a wolf monster and is usually depicted as the third protagonist out of The Wrecking Crew, the other two being George and Lizzie. Whichever one it was.They changed it, then. I think he would take any of them singly no prob, but all 3 at once, i dont know. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Her massive jaws are able to crush helicopters, but can do more harm to others and also has a large tail club with spikes that she can use as a mace to smash things with it. Rampage is a 2018 American giant monster film produced by New Line Cinema, Flynn Picture Company, Rickard Pictures, and Seven Bucks Productions, and distributed by Warner Bros. Okoye is revealed to be still alive as he rescues Caldwell from Wyden. In the climax, George is returned to his normal personality thanks to a cure, but still remains as a giant. George even has proven to be able to climb on buildings and leap high distances. After the building is destroyed, George survives and retains his normal personality. The situation worsens when the mutated crocodile, Lizzie, joins George and Ralph. So Kong wins here 10/10. I am sorry but I just do not see the rampage team winning because each person has different feats and 2017 Kong has bested all three of them. She is based off her original incarnation from the classic arcade game of the same name. To make matters worse, Ralph flees his captivity in the direction of Chicago while Lizzie managed to enter the river, making her way to the same area as George and Ralph. After discovering Ralph is able to fly, Okoye fools him into flying into Lizzie's mouth, whom then decapitates him. Crock was the Crocodile character and Lizzie the Iguana. Planning to steal a counter-serum to turn the mutated animals back to normal, Davis and Kate infiltrate Energyne headquarters at the Willis Tower and take several vials of the serum, but are caught by Claire and Brett. Just like normal crocodiles, Lizzie can swim, although she has an aquatic ability to breath underwater for long period time as she has fish-like gills on her neck. However, Ralph and Lizzie also survived.

As he was being a wolf before mutation, his stamina was high though with genetic editing his attributes were enhanced as his stamina and speed is greater then George. Lizzie is known as the biggest of the other monsters, making her much stronger and more durable.

George fights the two while Okoye assists him. Ralph gets choked to death and George dies by ONE Punch. I have watched both movies but Skull Island Kong is too much for the rampage team to handle. He could easily jump on the back of Lizzie, and either go for the eye just like George did, or he could just repeatedly punch Lizzie in the head non-stop, until eventually Kong wins from physical strength. king would need at least 3 sustained blows on george i think to really put him down long enough to kill lizzie but with ralph and lizzie in the mix i dont know if he can get the job done. A gorilla sure as hell wouldn’tKong could even flip Lizzie over leaving her exstremely vulnerableJaguars are capable of killing crocs just by biting behind their head.Kong is faster, smarter and stronger he will break LizzieHe could even grab her tail and swing her into skyscrapers etc until she gets knocked outRound 1 and 2, Kong loses, round 3, Kong definitely takes.Kong is significantly faster than every single one of them. kong has the size advantage but the rampage team durability is higher. Rampage Monsters are blood lusted and out of control but on the same teamRound 2- George + Lizzie VS 2005 King Kong + Small Skullcrawlerand actually I messed up one of George's feats, he temp one-shot Lizzie by hitting her Wonder what a human would look like if they drunk the serum. Crock was the mutated croc in Rampage. Ralph is also able to run much longer distances and fight off the military easily. And he doesn't have regen capabilities like these guys.