Company profile page for Castle Rock Entertainment Inc including stock price, company news, press releases, executives, board members, and contact information

IMDb's advanced search allows you to run extremely powerful queries over all people and titles in the database. Here's my remakes on the Castle Rock Entertainment (1989-2012) logos.

Credit to WarnerMedia (formerly TimeWarner, AOL Time Warner, and Turner) Made by Blender 3D 2.79b Castle Rock was to make films of the highest quality, whether they made or lost money.Castle Rock has also produced several television series, including the sitcom By 1994, Castle Rock launched a foreign sales operation, Castle Rock International, and planned to produce 12-15 films annually.In April 2002, Warner Bros. reduced Castle Rock Entertainment's budget following a string of The Company offers a variety of products such as feature films and television series.335 North Maple Drive Beverly Hills, CA 90210

Reiner and Scheinman already had a production company. They were friends with Shafer, who worked with Horn at In 1989, Castle Rock was supported by another backer, Under the deal, Nelson also distributed the films on video in North American markets, and handled international theatrical distribution, while Reiner has stated that Castle Rock's purpose was to allow creative freedom to individuals; a safe haven away from the pressures of studio executives. Find exactly what you're looking for! Connecting decision makers to a dynamic network of information, people and ideas, Bloomberg quickly and accurately delivers business and financial information, news and insight around the world.Connecting decision makers to a dynamic network of information, people and ideas, Bloomberg quickly and accurately delivers business and financial information, news and insight around the world.Castle Rock Entertainment operates a media production company. United States

The headquarter of The Castle Rock Entertainment is situated in United States. It is a subsidiary of Warner Bros. Company. Castle Rock Entertainment is an American film and television production company founded in 1987 by Martin Shafer, director Rob Reiner, Andrew Scheinman, Glenn Padnick and Alan Horn. Castle Rock Entertainment Contact Phone Number is : 285-2300 and Address is 335 N Maple Dr, Suite 135 Beverly Hills, California, United States 90210-3879 The Castle Rock Entertainment is a film production company. Castle Rock Entertainment is an American film and television production company founded in 1987 by Martin Shafer, director Rob Reiner, Andrew Scheinman, Glenn Padnick and Alan Horn. Columbia Pictures investeerde bij oprichting in Castle Rock Entertainment maar heeft kort daarop haar investeringsplan moeten aanpassen doordat de kosten hoger waren dan begroot. Suite 135 Castle Rock Entertainment is een film- en televisieproductiemaatschappij, opgericht in 1987 door Martin Shafer, regisseur Rob Reiner, Andy Scheinman, Glenn Padnick en Alan Horn. It is a subsidiary of WarnerMedia and a unit of Warner Bros.