Simply put, sleeping takes up one third of our lives – it’s a part of us we can’t avoid, so why not hack it and use it to our advantage. It hangs around in your system for a long time so be careful when consuming caffeine.”I bet you’re all familiar with that feeling of being too hot to sleep, tossing and turning trying to find a cool patch in the bed. This book reminds me of how we often overlook the importance of quality sleep and don’t use to our advantage.In my effort to work on improving my self-care in 2019, I heard about this one during a Book Riot podcast.
After reading the book you'll be amazed at how much of an impact sleep has on your health and productivity. Remove light up devices and get a dim alarm clock.”Sleep is a process not only or rest, but also of recovery. This book was recommended by the Pat Flynn book club. Feb 08, 2019 Mischenko rated it really liked it. Shelves: health, autoimmune-disease. Whether it be your laptop at work, your phone while you’re on the go or your TV set at home, we are constantly looking at screens. However, this can have a big negative impact on our sleep.”The bedroom should only be used for two things: 1) sleep and 2) the ‘other thing’.”Stevenson explains that doing work in bed is possibly the worst thing you can do to your sleep quality.

I'm short of time this month so it was nice to get a quick read under my belt (this was about an hour on audio). Another great idea from Stevenson is to have a houseplant in your room!”Get at least one house plant. Stevenson explains that it doesn’t come down to how many hours you get a night, you might still only get 6 hours but if 4 of those hours were between 10 pm and 2 am you’re already doing better than someone who got 6 hours from 2 am till 8 am.Stevenson explains that your body gets a ‘second wind’ after about 10 pm if you’re not already asleep, this is a release of melatonin that will, as a result, make getting to sleep harder. Sleep is so fundamental, yet the quality and quantity of sleep are so much ignored in the modern world. If you workout just before bed, your body doesn’t have enough time to reduce the core temperature, and as we discussed earlier, you need to be cool in order to have a quality sleep.
Sleeping better is definitely something that would help with my self-care improvement strategy. the increased core body temperature from the heat will fall accordingly and level out a little cooler right before bed.”Getting to bed at an appropriate time can be really difficult, it’s easy to stay up late watching Netflix, and all of a sudden it’s after midnight and you realise you need to be up again at 6 am.Stevenson explains how getting to sleep at the right time will improve the quality of your sleep dramatically. Light actually has the ability to penetrate your skin, so if there’s light entering the bedroom, you need to fix this!”Blackout curtains are a great way of getting rid of light pollution. This book did a great job outlining practical action steps one can take to improve sleep quality. Well researched. Start by marking “Sleep Smarter: 21 Essential Strategies to Sleep Your Way to A Better Body, Better Health, and Bigger Success” as Want to Read: Ideally 4 hours. Many or even most of them have some kind of scientific basis; but the way that Stevenson justifies his recommendations through the indiscriminate citation of seemingly unvetted and often unreplicated "studies," and the way straightforward conclusions are drawn from these studies without any kind of acknowledgement of contrary evidence, influencing variables, placebo effects, sample size issues, etc. Recently I had to go out of town and stayed in a hotel for 3 nights and having just read the first 5 chapters of the book, I remembered to put them into practice and slept the best II have been working on my sleep for a very long time although I also have been not working on my sleep very well, for a very long time.