The passage is very effective in creating the suspenseful atmosphere in itself and also very relevant to the rest of the novel.It hints at elements of racism and prejudice towards persecuted members of such a small community such as Maycomb.

Everyone was very afraid from this so called ''mad dog'', and had to make a choice. They each have their own separate neighborhoods and churches. Here you will also find the best quotations, synonyms and word definitions to make your research essay well-formatted and your essay highly evaluated.Hi there, would you like to get such an essay? And nobody did anything to help him and they killed him. They truly show mind over matter. Now, this came as surprise to the kids because Atticus has never brought this up even when he gave them the air rifles. Innocence refers to someone who is not guilty of something like a crime or wrongdoing. Even though we have read the play of "To Kill a Mockingbird" and not the book I still feel that it covers all the themes, characters and issues that Harper Lee included in her book. Children usually are considered to be innocent because they are young, but they lose their innocence as they grow up and learn about what is going on around them. Atticus is clearly the saviour, the hero of the novel trying to kill and destroy all form of prejudice and racism in Maycomb, although this is very idealistic. This was considered unusual to Scout, who expressed that Atticus had never warned them of sins before, so she confided in her confusion to Miss Dubose who explained to her, "Mockingbirds...don't do one thing but sing their hearts out for us" (Lee 119).

"You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view... until you climb into his skin and walk around in it.

Scout and Jem, in particular Scout who is younger and more affected by prejudice, have been going through a hard time at school ever since Atticus agreed to defend Tom Robinson in court. When Atticus loses his case, Scout and her brother, Jem, learn that blacks cannotevents in the 1930s that have been mentioned in the book. To add on, Atticus at first refused to shoot the rabid dog-Tom Johnson- but then shot him because of persistence from the mayor.

In Chapter 10, the dog is repeatedly described as “old” but his exact age is … Beyond the mockingbird image, Lee continues bird symbolism in the case of the bird dog, Tim Johnson. Further Reading: Two Birds One Stone Miss Caroline offers him... In the story Atticus (The lawyer in the book) has to shoot Tim Johnson as he has rabies and is … When the mayor tells Atticus "Mr. Finch, this is a one-shot job" (Lee 95). To Kill a Mockingbird: "The killing of Tim Johnson" Essay The shooting of the rabid dog is an event that will go round a small town like Maycomb quickly, probably giving some people a more respectful view of Atticus and his family. However, in the name of public safety Atticus is willing to put this moral aside to achieve a higher goal: the protection of human life. This extract from Harper Lee’s “To Kill a Mockingbird” can indeed be related to several others in the book. Our community acclaims those people who put their lives at risk through grave danger to prove there courage, but people often overlook courage isn t always shown through strength. A classic novel, which inspires all who read it to change they way in which they view everyday life. If Atticus was to fail in exterminating the infected animal, disease would spread across Maycomb resulting in the end of the novel whereas there is still quite a lot of the book to go at this point. However, the passage more prominently demonstrates Atticus’s important role throughout the novel and changes Scout’s general view of her father, turning him into a sort mentor to her and Jem, who relates to him as a “gentleman” at the end of the chapter. The passage of the Atticus's killing of the rabid dog is a very significant one in the thematic sense of the novel.

One of these lessons is empathy and understanding which is introduced to the main character through Atticus Finch who says "You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point... Tim Johnson: Tim Johnson is an old dog who wanders Maycomb County as the community pet until it gets Rabies and Atticus has to shoot it to save the neighborhood. Also I believe the dog was just trying to get attention because he needed help. Harper Lee uses symbolism in this sense. A reader may not interpretseveral aspects in and of the book through just the plain text. There is probably something that happened to Atticus when he used to shoot a gun. This gives him the capability of making everyone equal, regardless of ethnicity and social stature. This is why suddenly the dog begins to act strangely, to the point that Calpurnia recognizes the signs and takes the kids to a safe and isolated location. Rarely is such racism binded withSYMBOLISM: - Who is still killing the Mockingbirds?

I think that Atticus was very pressured to do this and had many doubts after shooting Tim Johnson. “You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view – until you climb inside of his skin and walk around in it” (Lee 30).