100% 63% 63%

2.8 mm 0.0 mm

Expect 1.3 mm of precipitation over the past 3 hours.

100% 0.1 mm 49% 35% 0.0 mm

2.6 mm Mit Temperaturen zwischen maximal 24°C 0.2 mm Das Wetter in Sherwood Forest - CA - Wettervorhersage für 14 Tage.

Expect 0.0 mm of precipitation over the past 3 hours. Here we try to capture the feel of the weather as an image � it will never be perfect but is useful for a quick overview. 100% 0.1 mm


100% 58% 0.0 mm Expect 0.0 mm of precipitation over the past 3 hours. 1.1 mm Ist das schon das Höchste, was uns in der

0.2 mm

Expect 0.0 mm of precipitation over the past 3 hours.

On the whole winds are likely to be moderate.

Expect 0.1 mm of precipitation over the past 3 hours.

0.6 mm Expect 0.3 mm of precipitation over the past 3 hours. 79% Expect 0.4 mm of precipitation over the past 3 hours. 0.0 mm Aktuelles Wetter in Sherwood Forest: Temperatur, Schnee, Regen, Wind, Luftfeuchtigkeit, Wetterwarnungen, etc