In that sense, The Westchester Incident is reminiscent of how the X-Men were killed in the original Old Man Logan storyline. Once an attack begins, only Logan and After Charles experienced another seizure that telepathically paralyzed everyone present at a hotel-casino in Oklahoma City, a radio broadcast noted similarities to the Westchester Incident while Logan, Charles, and Laura were driving away.Fandom may earn an affiliate commission on sales made from links on this page.Fandom may earn an affiliate commission on sales made from links on this page.Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. “I’m so sorry,” he sobs over and over, watching normal people around him hold their skulls and move woozily toward the building’s exit. Logan is giving him medication to keep his seizures in check. That mass murder is the last time he allows himself to use his adamantium claws, and he can’t forgive himself for it.The emotional trauma and the fact that all the X-Men were killed horrifically remain the same in In the scene set in the casino hotel, Logan and Laura cut off Xavier’s seizure by injecting him with medication. We finally learn that Logan, under the influence of the supervillain Mysterio, killed all of his X-Men mutant friends decades before the comic opens. It was stated that 7 Mutants died and that a few were believed to be X-Men. An analysis of the Marvel comics pieced together to form Logan ’s story explains what went wrong so many years before. Professor Charles Xavier, one of the most powerful minds (literally) on the planet, has fallen. The Westchester Incident. Charles Xavier, founder of X-Men suffers what’s most likely dementia and Alzheimer’s disease due to his old age. Also, I don’t believe the Government knew Xavier was alive so maybe he was classified as one of the few who died. When the dust has settled, Logan says that left untreated, Xavier’s seizure would have killed everyone in the building. Like it's comics counterpart, the death of the X-Men involved a member of the team (Wolverine/Charles Xavier) accidentally killing them and becoming ashamed at what they done. Though Xavier doesn’t remember why at the moment, he’s overcome with grief as Logan whisks him through the casino lobby. This contains spoilers for Logan so if you have not seen the movie I would not recommend reading this. The original comic book helps explain the film’s mysterious Westchester incident. Logan director James Magold has even revealed in a recent interview with Coming Soon that the film was originally going to begin with a flashback of the Westchester Incident… We don’t see in flashback how Xavier accidentally killed off his mutant students, but the casino scene gives a haunting hint at what it must have looked like.Though Logan can’t blame Xavier for the disease, Xavier does blame himself for what happened.

Sometime after the incident, Logan began giving Charles medication so similar attacks won't occur. Westchester, of course, is … References ↑ Logan That means that only 3–4 possibly died.