Artifacts are important because not only they provide us with a glimpse into the lifestyles and customs of ancient civilizations, but also and most importantly they are seminal tools in our quest to know what Prehistory was like, considering there are no written literature dating from that period of human civilization for writing didn’t exist yet. googletag.enableServices() According to anthropologist Daniel Miller, objects "continually assert their presence as simultaneously material force and symbol. Life's a movie and you're the main character. CBD has been on making waves within the wellness space for the last few years. From venue and decorations to food and beverages, nothing gets overlooked — whether your wedding is big, small, or virtual.The same thing goes for invites, which are getting more and more beautiful every wedding season. Except I proudly stand against those social norms and stereotypes to argue that this artifact has not only stripped me down to the overexposed insecurities I bare on the daily to the confidence I also gain every morning. Artifacts help us recognize how all of our ancestors … Over time, humans began to make ceramic artifacts by firing clay shaped into vessels used for cooking, storage and serving.