To redirect the visitor to another page of your website, click on the arrow of the field "After form submission", select "Redirect to page" and Then click on the page tree and select the page where the visitor will be redirected. On the off chance that it isn't resolved up until this point, by then you should contact Scanguard Support Number for progressively related information. About Webnode The easiest way to create the perfect website Webnode is an amazingly simple website builder.

To change the order of the fields click on the field and move it anywhere you want. If the same name has been already used for a different project, your website's address will contain a numerical suffix. To change the title of the field, click on the predefined text which will enable you to edit it.4. to get a Press pack, logo or Webnode review), please visit our Press and media section. The misuse of form is protected by the anti-spam Captcha system. Press and media In case you need to contact our press department (e.g. 2.


… the website name "Joe's Cafe" will become

With a Premium package, you can add up to 28 items.

The name will be used for creating your website's address on the Webnode subdomain. Scanguard Customer Service Phone Number Coming about to looking at the full article, I trust in your problem ought to be resolved. To change the message displayed after a form is submitted, click in the field with the predefined text "Thank you" and modify it.You will find more info on how to manage form entries in "2. If the same name has been already used for a different project, your website's address will contain a numerical suffix. To delete the field, click on the gear button and select "Delete".5. © 2020 Webnode AG. The number of forms is unlimited, as well as the number of forms sent through your website. to get a Press pack, logo or Webnode review), please visit our Our partnership programs also enable you to use Webnode for your own projects.

If you find any illegal content or a website breaking Webnode's Terms and Conditions or your local laws, please contact us at 1. the website name "Joe

BANDWIDTH (or traffic) is the sum of all data transferred between the Webnode servers and your website visitor's device. There’s Email Support Week, but No Phone or Live Chat On the downside, there’s currently no phone and live chat support. E.g. All rights reserved A contact form is a great tool that allows your visitors to contact you quickly and easily, directly from your website. By registering and creating your website you agree to our If you find any illegal content or a website breaking Webnode's Terms and Conditions or your local laws, please contact us at In case you need to contact our press department (e.g. To change the fields click on "Edit form" in the toolbar of the contact us form.3. Put your email in the field "Send notification to". If you have to get in touch with a customer support agent, Webnode offers email support — or you can use their contact form, … Here you can also choose if the item is required or not.2. For more information please visit section The name will be used for creating your website's address on the Webnode subdomain. Launched in 2008, it has already helped over 40 million users create their own websites. You will find the instructions how to add and manage the contact form below.You can add a contact form already with the free version of your website where you can add up to 5 form items.