A player may put aside any dice not used for an action and use them for a later action.At any time, a player may re-roll any dice he set aside previously (other than black masks, which can be used again only with the help of a golden mask).A player may enter a chamber only if its entrance is not blocked.In order to enter a chamber, the player must roll the icons shown in a red frame inside the new chamber.A player inside a chamber with one or more unblocked entrances that don't already connect to other chambers may discover a new chamber.A player must roll two adventurer icons in order to draw one new chamber from the draw pile and place it next to his current chamber. Each tile can be used once. Shake those dice to escape the temple but don't get stuck and don't leave anyone behind or you will all lose! an excellent game - you have to work together, which makes it quite different from other board games.

If you can't handle lots of noisy die-rolling and shouting for help and tile-flipping, then you may want to pass on this particular ancient temple.
First off - I love this game.

If a player is left behind, you need to rescue him.

Then you can pull the activated gem(s) from the depot and place them on the tile. For instance, if somebody has activated the 2 gems, then you can no longer activate the 1 or the 3 gems.Provoke a turn of fate: If there are just too many black masks on the table, you may place one of the extra gems (next to the depot) into the depot, and then everyone can re-roll Escape: If you make it to the exit chamber, you must roll as many keys as there are gems left in the depot There's one other wrinkle: the three countdowns on the soundtrack, indicated by the one, two, and three gongs.

Please try your search again later. The curses (from left to right) are:For the Treasures module, each time you discover a chamber with a treasure icon on it, you place one of the treasure tiles face-down on it (showing the side with the chest and two key icons).

We have played without the CD so far and found it quite exciting enough. This will help you to identify your fellow players quickly.The CD contains an audio introduction to the game (in 3 languages) and 2 versions of a ten-minute soundtrack. Players navigate through the temple by rolling dice and matching symbols to rooms, thereby gaining entry and visibility into adjacent rooms.

With the "Treasures" module, some rooms contain treasure, and when you reveal such a room, you place a face-down treasure chest on the tile. Escape: The Curse of the Temple includes two expansion modules that can be used individually or together. The first starts with the bang of a gong and ends with a door being slam- med. You can unlock a chest by rolling two keys, and then you take the treasure tile.

Quick game play in real time! Portal Games Robinson Crusoe Adventures on the Cursed Island Board Game Because it’s so fun and only lasts 10 minutes, we’ve never just played the game one time.

You are a team of adventurers – trapped in a cursed temple. Terrific and frantic cooperative board game! Fun game, great coop board game, somewhat challenging, not too much replay but worth the price.

The soundtrack is great, with some spooky noises, but I found that the gong that sounds isn't always loud enough that you can be sure to hear it while you're rolling a bunch of dice. Players: 1 to 5 (up to 6 with Illusions expansion) Instead, each player rolls as quickly and as often as he can with his five dice.

Instead, each player rolls as quickly and as often as he can with his five dice.Discover the different temple chambers by rolling the correct dice combinations.

Look out for one another. Escape: The Curse of the Temple Game Rules You must activate the magic gems in the temple chambers in order to banish the curse, and you have only ten minutes to do so before the temple collapses.

Some kids I played with found it TOO exciting, which surprised me, though it is fairly intense with the timer and CD involved.Quick game, a hit with most people, and great for groups with kidsReviewed in the United States on September 24, 2013
Together you must activate the magic gems in the temple chambers in order to banish the curse. Top 10 Games for Sleepy People - with Tom Vasel .