Later while chewing packs and packs of gum to remove the kiss and trying to rescue Marino and Snowflake, Einhorn catches Ace and a struggle ensues in which after trying to shoot Ace, Einhorn is disarmed. Horrified, Ace concludes that he had murdered Einhorn and assumed her identity.

Unbeknownst to anyone is that Finkle escaped from Shady Acres, had kidnapped Einhorn and presumably murdered her in order to assume her identity in a subtle attempt at revenge for his former team. How would you like me to make your life a living hell? Now with concrete proof against Einhorn, Ace makes a short humiliating speech (directed at Einhorn) and revealing to the Miami PD that Finkle made two costly mistakes in not perfecting his disguise. Now humiliated and exposed, Finkle makes one last attempt to kill Ace out of revenge by lunging towards him with a piece of broken glass, but he flips her over the wharf into the water and as he tries to pull himself up, Ace forcefully steps on his hand plucking the ring containing the missing stone from his finger, and finalizing his theory that the Lt. is the disgraced Ray Finkle, who now bears a look of hopelessness and woe as his most prized and personal possession rests in the hands of his enemy.
He is portrayed by Sean Young and voiced by Bill Zuckert. After she kidnaps Marino, Ace gives out his suspicions about Finkle, which puts Einhorn on full alert. Ace mentions he feels some discomfort by telling her, "Your gun is digging into my hip." Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. [cocks revolver]  Sadly, local law enforcement is also on the case, headed up by Lieutenant Lois Einhorn . Mr. Finkle thinks that his wife is senile and says Ray's obession with the lost championship caused Mr. Finkle to commit his son to Shady Acres Mental Hospital. Ace's latest case involves the apparent kidnapping of the Miami Dolphins' team mascot, Snowflake the dolphin (natch).

Mary Sean Young was born on November 20, 1959 in Louisville, Kentucky.

The SWAT Team along with Aguado share immediate skepticism with Ace's actions. [to Lt. Einhorn]  Breathing deeply and infuriated, Einhorn stands enraged but remains silent in possible shock and hope that the ruse will still work. [Lt. Einhorn is pointing a gun at Ace's head]  [Ace sees Lieutenant Einhorn approaching]  When the police arrive on Einhorn's orders, she demands them to arrest Ace, but Melissa puts a stop to it by holding Emilio hostage and convinces them to hear Ace out. She is the daughter of Lee Guthrie (née Mary Lee Kane), an Emmy-nominated producer, screenwriter, public relations executive, and journalist, and Donald Young, Jr., an Emmy award winning television news producer and journalist. Ray Finkle, also known as "Lt. Lois Einhorn", is the main antagonist of Ace Ventura: Pet Detective. [begging]  Ace makes his suspicion well known about Finkle and his theory of how she was able to escape from Shady Acres and murder a missing hiker who was actually the lieutenant herself to assume her identity. [takes deep breath]  Marino whispers something to Ace who then looks at the back of Einhorn. Finkle completely went insane, escaped from Shady Acres mental hospital, and had a sex reassignment surgery to escape the authorities. Ace is clearly surprised by Einhorn's real breasts but continues his attempt to expose Einhorn as a man/Ray Finkle. Ace then comically spends all night using a plunger to help himself throw up and cleansing himself by burning his clothes and showering over and over after realizing that Einhorn's "gun" was her penis.
Finkle had escaped from the mental hospital and stalked her on her day off. [walks in with Melissa, gun to his head] 

Mrs. Finkle shares Ray's embitterment with Dan Marino whom he blamed for the missed field goal by leaving the laces in, rather than out, which cost the Dolphins the Super Bowl and caused the entire town to turn against him. Einhorn stands awkwardly -- she appears to be in shock as her body convulses and shakes, her face contorting as she stands there in only her bra, panties, and torn blouse. Finkle's obsession with revenge against Marino pointed Ace in the direction he needed to go after seeing a film in Finkle's room. After a few moments, Dan Marino calls Ace over to him from behind Einhorn. Can’t really blame her, since he is constantly getting his rocks off by demonstrating how much cleverer he is.

[Lt. Einhorne shoots into the air]  He begins to think about the tragic events that may have happened to Lt. Einhorn on her day off hiking. Afterward, he then worked as a senior Miami Police lieutenan… While at Shady Acres, Ace stumbled across a newspaper article about woman named Lois Einhorn who was lost in the wilderness while hiking and is missing. Lois Einhorn : Listen, pet dick.

Ace refuses her advances by pushing her off of him, though he seems to have at least been somewhat aroused by this encounter (Ace implies so by his awkward stance after standing up off the desk and motioning to his groin "Down boy!").