He describes in his book The Wandering Who? He points out with great evidence that Jews have always been a religious community which has included many converts.Many orthodox Jewish rabbis have explained why traditional Judaism is diametrically opposed to Zionism. !, banking system-JEWS!! Presidents Ford, Reagan, Clinton, and the Bushes were/are involved in this sick program to use people as mind-controlled slaves. They had nothing to do in Spain until Franco's death. He led a popular heresy, based on Cabalism. Rabbi Marvin Antelman explains Makow continues, “Communist defector Bella Dodd revealed that during the 1930’s the Communist Party had 1,100 members join the Catholic Priesthood. The Domneh… satanists disguised as Jews who have infiltrated every religion. G. Edward Griffin spoke about this regarding the Round Table of Cecil Rhodes, a man closely connected to the Rothschilds who did so much to advance his British-led version of the New World Order.Rhodes was behind the creation of the Round Table societies and think tanks including the RIIA, CFR and many others.

It’s time to cut through all the confusion with the sword of truth.Please share this article far and wide, especially with your Jewish friends, so we can come together and stop falling for the ‘antisemitic trap’ laid out by the Sabbatean-Frankists and Satanists who use innocent Jews for their schemes.Media-JEWS!!! You can't change it because to try and do so is to live in 'want' which is anathema to the spirit.

At its height it claimed perhaps 50,000 followers, primarily Jews living in Poland and other parts of Eastern Europe. But this is prophesied by the prophet Daniel. They’ll have their 15 mins., then hell.There is that thing thought. The Right and Left hand paths of kundalini arousal - TANTRA SODOMY AND HOMOSEXUALITY IN SATANIC … '”Given the unfathomable awfulness in which both the Frankists and Epstein have been engaged and the weird temple on his island, it may not be a stretch to imagine that the spiritual dimension of the Epstein operation related to the occult resurgence of Frankism.The most recent information that you have put out clearly paints the picture of the reality of our situation.

I know for sure, though, that Aleister Crowley was very influenced by Isaac Luria’s form of Kabbalah and definitely followed the Frankist model of going into the abyss to transcend, redemption through sin, and so on.

Clifford Shack writes this widely-quote passage in The Sabbatean-Frankist Messianic Conspiracy Partially Exposed pg.97:“Through infiltration, stealth and cunning, this invisible network has come to rule us all. I know many Jewish people and I have asked them if they have ever heard of Jacob Frank and they haven’t–it’s very buried information. Sabbatean Frankists movement (false messiah) ... SS The false Jewish messiah movement in 1666, 666 the beast, antichrist and satan, Jacob Frank said he was the reincarnation of Sabbatean Zevi, through this movement they impose to take full control of the world with the … The World War Two era is a prime example. This being was supposed to serve their creators rather than to be served by them. Israel does not represent you. All the lodges during his dictatorship were closed, and the masons of all the currents were persecuted. This new information, given the Epstein arrest and murder , increases the possibility of what this video purports to be realty.The reason for the cover-up is huge, entails similar cults in the other 49 states, high profile past and present leaders from BOTH… owl-lumminati… parties and involves deep witness relocation and a deep double fake just in time for football season (punt the autopsy-turvy).So happy you finally arrived on this square of the chessboard.Copyright © 2020 BRUCE CONTENT, LLC All Rights ReservedYou Won’t Believe What’s Buried Under the Sahara…Hidden Lost Ancient CivilizationsGeopolitics, Synthetic Terror & Interventionalist BS5G Network/Psychotronic Weapons/Brainwave Entrainment/HAARP

They constituted the largest number of Sabbateans during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. This hidden Secret Society within Judaism and within Zionism Psychopathic Israeli leaders want more Jews to emigrate to Israel, not because they deeply care about Jews (nothing could be further from the truth) but because they simply want more Jewish bodies in Israel so they can maintain their ideal Israeli demographic (having a majority of Jews so it is a Jewish state). By the nineteenth century Jewish Sabbateans had been reduced to small groups of hidden followers who feared being discovered for their beliefs that were deemed to be entirely heretical and antithetical to classical Judaism.

However, even though the group heads off the cliff into the seeming pit of fiery hell, one can be strong and avoid such mishap.