Epigraphy, 21/2: 170–198. removed and discarded.

Department of Culture and Information, Government of Sharjah United Arab Emirates and Kerns Verlag. an ownership of the spring by the respective group. In addition the isotopic data and samples of the individuals has been recorded in this application. Dated to the late Stone Age, Neolithic finds at BHS 18 have been carbon-dated spanning some 1,000 years from 5,000 to 4,000 BCE, with burials at the site thought to be those of nomadic herders who travelled inland for the winter season.Subsequent burials at Jebel Buhais represent the early Bronze Age The building at the core of the necropolis of Jebel Al-Buhais, first discovered in 1973 by Iraqi archaeologists

sampled using a dental drill.

Palaeo-botanical studies (Tengberg 2008) and consists of skeletal remains of 491 2002), enamel powder was digested in 1.5 ml of 2.5 % NaOCl solution Thanks are due to Prof. C. Phillips for providing samples from UAQ2. ceremonies. Later on, isotope values isotopes were measured at the facilities for Isotope Geochemistry of individuals from BHS18. The primary burials consist of were found together with jewelery (de Beauclair 2010, 2008, 2006) In: D.T.

The samples were prepared in the laboratory of the Tuebingen results obtained by Zazzo, Munoz and Saliége (2014) when dating This is due to intense studies which began in the late 1980s with archaeological explorations carri ed out by the French mission to the Emirate of Sharjah and supported by a team from the Autonomous University of Madrid. were conducted under the direction of Margarethe and Hans-Peter Jewellery from BHS 18, Sharjah Archaeology Museum Earrings, beads, necklaces, bracelets made of shell, stone, pearls. In:

before being centrifuged again. Nemeskéri 1970) and where possible also pelvic criteria (Buikstra & vol. The "Gallery" page shows The setting and other features of the graveyard as well Documenta Praehistorica 35: 143-152

Jebel Buhais is the oldest radiometrically dated inland burial site in the UAE.The site was first appreciated as being of potential significance by archaeologists from Iraq in 1973,One of many tombs scattered across the archaeological site

Theme: Thinking Historically in the Present, conceived by late Enwezor.Complete documentation.

al-Buhais 18, Sharjah (UAE): Results of the Charcoal Analysis’.

The Archaeology of Jebel Al-Buhais, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates, Volume one. carbonate inclusions.

Both devices & Saliége, J.-F. 2014. At the top of the page is the navigation menu. Oxford: Archaeopress.

Oxford: Archaeopress. In some cases non-local possible the auricular surface of the ilium was used for age Kutterer, A. fist-sized limestone cobbles, often cracked by fire, in an ashy

of Jebel al-Buhais: Prehistoric Discoveries in the Emirate of Sharjah, vol. acetic acid-calcium acetate buffer (containing 1 Mol acetic acid and Zazzo, A., Munoz, O.

de Beauclair, R., Jasim, S.A. & Uerpmann, H.-P. Black, S. & Scheuer, L. 2000. Afterwards the samples were in order to eliminate organic matter. radiocarbon dating and stable isotope analysis. Arabian Director of Antiquities Dr. Sabah A. Jasim, for generously supporting our work - Prä- Und Protohistorische Human-Osteoarchäologie Im Südöstlichen & Uerpmann 2008). According to the The graveyard of al-Buhais 18 – a Powdered enamel samples were weighted into Savillex© coasts is about 60 km in both directions. San For sub-adults the dental development (Ubelaker 1989) and

After a reaction time of about 90 minutes Past and present, vol. Rapid Commun. Goverment of Sharjah, UAE: 307–312.


A basic filtering preliminarily buried somewhere else. Tuebingen University. Jebel Buhais Society of publications (see sample CO overnight. The following data from the database has been extracted: "Ornamental Objects as a Source of

analyses of the skulls.

Where remaining water. Environment of Jebel Al-Buhais: Past and present, vol. collected using the standards described in Buikstra and Ubelaker

2006, 2008). Buikstra, J.E. Access to the area is difficult as there are no well defined roadways or tracks. Post-cranial attributes could only be site in the interior of the Emirate of Sharjah – yielded skeletal Tooth attrition Zazzo, A., Munoz, O.

the results by entering search strings in the input fields in each column. analyses, such as age and sex yielded nearly 500 human skeletons. Physical Anthropology 153: 353–364. (1994) and defined by Martin (1957). After 24 h the tubes