While a lot of things came into play with the big increase onto my total (such as the jump up in weight class), the programming that Jesse has set forth made all the difference. Do as much as you can handleIf you want to be coached through weekly conjugate / Westside style programming, this is how we currently train in our Power-Building Track inside the Joining the Barbell Club will give you access to programming that sends you all new workouts every single week with done for you exercise selection, sets, reps, etc. It gets used to success instead of failure. If you like a little of everything and a lot of variety this program has it.Want to do a little body building? His favorites include hanging leg raises, leg raises off the floor, static ab holds in a lat pull-down or pull-over machine, heavy dumbbell side bends, straight-leg sit-ups, and decline-bench sit-ups. We do rack pulls on the lower-body max day two of the four weeks in a month. The back day allows a lifter more time and energy to train the back movements harder and more time in the other workouts to focus on other assistance movements.In the 3-day per week schedule we simply take the 4-day program and spread it out over a 3-day week.

Just make sure you hit a bunch of volume and leave with a huge pump in the chest. Test a set out. Again, we want a high volume of pressing and then we’re gonna follow that with more work for the delts, lats, and triceps, as needed.A 6-week cycle of max effort movements works here as well, although you can of course spread it out over a longer cycle length. Always consult with a qualified healthcare professional prior to beginning any diet or exercise program or taking any dietary supplement. The table below shows a month’s worth of exercises, and proper percentages:The Westside approach to bench pressing is, in my opinion, the most superior way and it’s because of the emphasis Lou puts on speed bench press. And second, as alluded to earlier, you'll set new personal bests every time you step foot in the gym. I failed to break it off the floor. And the more work you can do on your Dynamic Effort Training and your special exercises the stronger you will become.

Rack Pulls are one of my favorites for supplemental work. The Biggest Mistake I See With Newer Lifters On the special exercises you need to try and be setting new bests in the form of increased load, adding reps, or adding sets. ""We'll do rack pulls with the plates on mats 2-, 4-, or 6-inches high, or with the barbell on the floor and the lifter on a mat," Simmons says. should be done before you give it a shot.

Simmons, himself a renowned powerlifter and strength coach, has not only amassed some of the strongest men and women in strength sports—currently its members hold 5 of the top 10 powerlifting totals of all time—but his techniques and methods continue to draw only the most advanced disciples of iron.Among the techniques he's developed to strengthen the already supersized is the Conjugate Method training system (sometimes called the Westside Method), which employs single repetitions as one of its core training tenets. "That may not sound like much to some, but that's 60 pounds a year for exercises you're doing once a month. That's because pure strength equals muscle gains, a simple equation as old as lifting itself.Before getting into the nuts and bolts of the program, it'll help to know two key facts—both of which are often surprising to those first venturing into the ways of Westside.

I don’t even know if I’m still doing conjugate to be honest. Something that moves fast with a little effort.Then pick 2-4 assistance exercises and chase a massive pump with each exercise. Already have a Bodybuilding account with BodyFit Plus? Most write it off as only working for geared lifters, and instead turn to other types of programming that emphasize volume and simplicity in exercise selection. I’m just some random awkward guy who doesn’t want to see others plateau doing the same mistakes I made in my initial years of powerlifting.

Anyone who is reading this will likely understand exactly what I’m saying, but I have trained with lifters who did exactly this and wondered why they couldn’t squat 405 raw at 242. That being said, I also experienced the following:While following the method worked and I was making steady progress, I could see that the gains were coming slow past a certain point and my lifts were stalling out. Since Louie started publishing his articles on his methodologies in Power Lifting USA back in the 1990’s, the methods grew wildly in popularity […] This works great for lifters who struggle with recovery or who can only commit to 3-days per week of training.Now, let’s get into a breakdown of each training day.I like to set up the Max Effort Bench Press Day in cycles of 6 weeks in length and I’ll show you how and why.After the 6 week cycle go back through and repeat everything and try and break new records. "Do these in a power rack, sitting down on a low box, about 10 inches high," says Louie Simmons. Your Westside Plan. Training PUT ON SOME MUSCLE! Louie is also responsible for the creation of the “Reverse Hyper” machine and holds numerous patents to inventions he has come up with through his decades of experience as both a lifter and coach. Quickly read through our step-by-step directions to ensure you're doing each The fourth week I perform a good morning exercise between 80-85%.The days where I use 90% I keep the reps between 1-2,working up to a top set.