On the night before the Promised Day, Kimblee had returned to central and was enjoying a killing spree, but lamented that he had stained his white suit with his victims' blood again after having it custom made for himself. Il est très proche de Lust mais à sa mort, il éprouvera l'envie de la revoir, ce qui indignera Envy et Dante. Rated: Fiction T - English - Angst/Adventure - Edward E., Alphonse E., Pride - Chapters: 7 - Words: 27,104 - Reviews: 63 - Favs: 167 - Follows: 103 - Updated: 8/30/2013 - Published: 7/28/2013 - Status: Complete - id: 9539962 + - Full 3/4 1/2 Expand Tighten Next >-Authors Note-Hey …

Because they were providing humanitarian aid, it was the military's duty to protect them, an act which they felt was an unnecessary burden to them. However, he seems aware that his mindset and actions are not in tune with the popular veins of thought and actively shrouds these with gentlemanly decorum and clever semantics. Il voue une haine et une jalousie sans bornes envers Edward et Alphonse.

Plus nostalgiques, ils se montrent désireux d'être humains et n'obéissent à Dante, leur chef, qu'à contrecœur.

As an analyst of human nature, Solf J. Kimblee understands exactly what needs to be said in order to hide his "heresy" from those who would not understand him. À la base, il s'agit d'une expérience de Père pour créer une Wrath est le plus jeune des Homonculus, âgé de 40 à 60 ans d'existence, et est la véritable identité de Envy est l'un des cadets parmi les Homonculus, avec 175 ans d'existence, d'aspect androgyne et aux longs cheveux longs et verts/noirs, sous sa forme habituelle. Not to be confused with the King Bradley's role is very similar to that of the manga version. He was voiced by Hidekatsu Shibata in the Japanese version, and the late Ed Blaylock in the English version. He ties his long, black hair into a neat ponytail, leaving two long strands loose in the front. After taking care of his subordinates Ed follows Kimblee into the mines and fights him. Il a été créé par Dante et il est l'un des plus ancien Homonculus. As Pride's shadows overtake Kimblee's half-dead face, he is entirely consumed, his body and soul, coupled along with the new Philosopher's Stone in his possession are added to Pride's own collection of souls. Il est impuissant dans l'obscurité totale, et la lumière Elle sera tuée par Wrath vers la fin de l'anime, après avoir compris qu'elle voulait être humaine pour mourir. "Pride" may refer to the following: Selim Bradley, the son of the Führer of Amestris who is later revealed to be a Homunculus and the embodiment of some of Father's Pride in the original manga and Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood., King Bradley, the Führer of Amestris who is later revealed to be a Homunculus created by Dante in the 2003 anime series. Ils peuvent être tués de trois façons :

After the war, Kimblee is released from jail by order from the Kimblee's search resumes, taking him, the Elrics and several Briggs soldiers to the abandoned mining town, Baschool. En présence d'un reste du corps de leur « original, » (celui dont la résurrection ratée les a créés) ils sont immobilisés ou perdent connaissance.

Ses yeux sont mauves. His character is more openly sadistic and acts more often out of sheer pleasure, rather than towards any particular goal. C'est la plus humaine des Homonculus.

Except for buccaneer, fu and all of the others who died. Comme dans le manga son tatouage est sur la clavicule au-dessus des seins.
En réalité, il fut créé par Wrath, 13 ans d'existence, est l'homonculus créé par Il a été créé par Dante et a une capacité étonnante de manger n'importe quoi. Driven by such mindsets as "survival of the fittest" and "to the victor go the spoils", Kimblee takes great pleasure in determining whether the will and/or strength of one person or party is capable of overpowering those of another and genuinely respects people of strong will and unshakable conviction, but cares little to nothing for human lives that are affected or even lost as a consequence of the conflicts that arise. When it's discovered that they were killed prior to his arrival, Kimblee states that the purpose of a soldier is to take life, and the purpose of a doctor is to save it, and as such, the Rockbell's deaths were noble ones. As a result of the schism between the storylines of the Not so much immoral as amoral, he stands as an inquisitive, apathetic observer most of the time, assessing people and situations while throwing out morality and the concept of grey areas as contaminating factors.