Tree-planting and forest-restoration efforts in the forest are essential to the survival of the many North American bird species that travel to and through Veracruz every year.Since 2010, American Forest has supported the efforts of Pronatura Veracruz, a nonprofit organization whose mission is to conserve flora, fauna and priority ecosystems in Veracruz. All Fields are Required We can help you reset your password using the email address linked to your BioOne Complete account. The similarity analyses showed high species complementarity between fragments, with a large proportion of unique species to each fragment. Bachelor of Science thesis, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, MexicoRivera LW, Zimmerman JK, Aide TM (2000) Forest recovery in abandoned agricultural lands in a karst region of the Dominican Republic. Pergamon Press, OxfordHomeier J, Breckle SW, Günter S, Rollenbeck RT, Leuschner C (2010) Tree diversity, forest structure and productivity along altitudinal and topographical gradients in a species-rich Ecuadorian montane rain forest.

Divers Distrib 11:567–575Tang CQ, Ohsawa M (1997) Zonal transition of evergreen, deciduous, and coniferous forests along the altitudinal gradient on a humid subtropical mountain, Mt. The traps were recovered after 72 h of exposure in the field. Fish and Wildlife Service pass through or winter in Veracruz. © 2020 American Forests. Biotropica 42:140–148Kappelle M, Zamora N (1995) Changes in woody species richness along altitudinal gradient in Talamanca montane Kitayama K (1992) An altitudinal transect study of the vegetation on Mount Kinabalu, Borneo. Bot Sci 90:27–36Luna I, Almeida L, Llorente J (1989) Florística y aspectos fitogeográficos del bosque mesófilo de montaña de las cañadas de Ocuilan, estados de Morelos y México. Productive activities such as sustainable timber extraction and low-impact crop cultivation will continue taking place in PA in the buffer area. Pronatura Veracruz strategically selects coffee-growing parcels to receive native, cloud-forest trees that will create biological corridors between fragmented patches of cloud forest.

In: Sarukhán J et al (eds) Capital natural de Mexico, Conocimiento actual de la biodiversidad, vol 3. Pronatura Veracruz trains coffee producers how to reforest their farms and runs workshops on how to obtain financing for the environmental services the cloud forest and other biodiverse lands in Veracruz provide.Discover how two cats from very different habitats share an unlikely connection through the Rio Grande River and their need for forest restoration. For the traps at vegetation level, honey-baited traps consisted of closed 100 mL plastic containers with 20 mL of honey. This year’s project with Pronatura will plant 60,000 trees in the cloud forest ecosystem in the highlands of central Veracruz. To represent the matrix of similarity, a cluster analysis was carried out with the UPGMA clustering method (Unweighted Pair Group Method with Arithmetic Mean). We thank the 3 anonymous reviewers for their valuable comments and suggestions to improve the manuscript.

To validate if the clusters of diversity were significantly influenced by variations in environmental characteristics, a SIMPROF test was calculated. Biodivers Conserv 21:3597–3611González-Espinosa M, Meave JA, Lorea-Hernández F, Ibarra-Manríquez G, Newton AC (2011) The red list of Mexican cloud forest trees. and Q. xalapensis Bonpl. A high rate of species turnover is likely due to fragment isolation and its subsequent influence on habitat quality. R Foundation for Statistical Computing, Vienna at Rahbek C (2005) The role of spatial scale and the perception of large-scale species richness patterns. Cambridge University Press, CambridgeChallenger A (1998) Utilización y conservación de los ecosistemas terrestres de México.

Ninety percent of the TMCF and Pine-Oak forests in the project region are already gone. So, to establish the new protected area, the local communities have agreed to integrate 1,000 acres of land into the national/state protected area system. In central Veracruz, Mexico, these forests are found distributed in several small fragments with differing degrees of disturbance. Version 8.0.0. Directed by Mónica Alvarez Franco. F1 and F2 were significantly richer than the other fragments (In total, 5,270 ants belonging to 75 species, 29 genera, 13 tribes, and 8 subfamilies were collected (The most efficient sampling method, with respect to species number, was the leaf litter quadrats processed with Winkler sacks, and the least efficient were the honey- and tuna-baited traps (The average sample coverage was 92% (range: 86.6–95.5%). J Ecol 84:137–152Lomolino MV (2001) Elevation gradients of species-density: historical and prospective views. Subscription will auto renew annually.Aiba S, Kitayama K (1999) Structure, composition and species diversity in an altitude-substrate matrix of rain forest tree communities on Mount Kinabalu, Borneo. < In this changing ecosystem, the use of indicator groups has been proposed to assess disturbance effects on biodiversity. Growth and development were evaluated over the first 13 months. This value indicates the proportion of the statistical population that is represented by the captured species (Location of the study area in central Veracruz, Mexico.