&&&&&Weekly&Newsletter!!! :-)I'm sure you all know by now that have been following Kelly and Harper, but have you ever seen anything so sweet? My dad went by today and all the sheetrock is out, cabinets and vanities are out, and they are starting to pull up the hardwood. Here is what I am thinking right now. I love both of their mommies for being such encouragement to me and I pray for them everyday. Not to mention, did she make her own dress last night? I will have to call my dr in the morning and probably have some blood work run due to the fact that I lost a lot of blood in a short amount of time. 7th Place – Lukas Garcia – Lowry, Grade 2. We are one month out from our fire today and we have had almost 20 days of rain. I am also very thankful to God that these two precious babies are doing better. It isn't like these girls didn't know what they were getting into! 10th Place – Javier Cazares, TBBE/West Tampa, Grade 2 . Yes, I am seriously considering first degree murder this morning. :-) This week I am feeling much better and I am trying to have hope. Ths is where everyone can write in what they thought about the show!So, here are some odd things I noticed before I fell asleep half way through it!

I did have a complication from my recent loss last night and today, but it resolved itself around noon. Freshman Ethan Ledford carried the ball 21 times for 98 yards. www.shelbyinfo.com.

Some of it may be This, my friends is the beautiful and tallented Haper Brown Stamps (future Miss Arkansas, I am told!). It was all I could look at! Are they for real? As for the Ledfords, we have had a pretty uneventful weekend.

I am ready for it to come out in more than one way. I have an award to give. I really feel like in the next couple of days she will be off the ventilator completely and we will see the picture we've all been waiting on, Kelly holding her beautiful baby!Please keep praying, it is definitely working!!!! The adjuster called with the news that they would not replace the entire roof, just the section that had to be repaired. They need all the prayers, love, and support they can get. They are both stable and absolutely precious! First, we went to eat at Porter's Steakhouse inside the Read House hotel where our reception was. I thought maybe you would want to see these precious little babies!I have two wonderful pieces of news to share with you all. Now we have to mail them the check with all these forms that we have to fill out, a contract with the builder, and plans of our hosue. Scott and his family are with her now and Kelly will be joining them as soon as she can be released. There are so many of you out there that understand just how I feel and I wish I could tell you how much that means to me this week, but honestly, there are just no words! I mean, would you take a walk of shame on national tv???? I do have some hard times, but over all, I feel peace and hope for what may come next. Also, what about DeAnna coming back? 480-660-1883 Niall Temby. February2,2018!! !That is right, Harper is off the vent and eating like the 9 lb 12 oz girl she is!!!! Yes, we have our check and a builder lined up, but according to citimortgage, it is not that easy. I know what colors I want, but how will I ever decide what exact color I want?

PLEASE just keep praying for my friends babies. What do you think? Now, lets talk the two to one date with Stephanie and Nikki. Where has the sun gone? I have been pretty down lately. Sorry for the inconvenience, but I am tired of seeing temporary home. Baby Harper is stable and keeping her oxygen saturation high! In an attempt to make me feel better about all that is going on and because I love blogger, I am going to be making this my permanent blog home!!! PLEASE continue to pray!!!!!!! I know I definitely deserved the award when I looked at the criteria:-If you dread holidays because you cannot announce a pregnancy to your family.

Looks like next week may get pretty interesting with the overnight camp out. PTL!!!!! I congratulate President Obama and will commit to pray for him and I also wish President Bush the best as he moves back into private life. I love Jason!!!! 9th Place – Dekyn Stroh – Lowry, Grade 1. 480-660-7640 Maegan Moragne.