Originally planned to span 1957-96 ("40-Year...The Twentieth Century Reanalysis (20CR) provides a comprehensive global atmospheric circulation data set spanning 1850-2014. Although the main dataset is derived from a reanalysis, the CHELSA algorithms could be used to downscale climate model simulations of past and future climate. Cloud Motion Winds are also used. Meteor.

Years were identified when standardized NARR DJF surface-precipitation rate and Niño-3.4 SST data were both outside plus or minus one standard deviation (SD). Unlike the Livneh dataset (Linear relationships between the Modoki and Niño-3.4 indices are shown in (left) Pearson’s correlation coefficient and (right) (left) Pearson’s correlation coefficient and (right) Our results suggest that from 1979 to 2015 Niño-3.4 SST and EMI had different impacts on teleconnection patterns and associations with western NA precipitation. ASR is produced using high-resolution versions of the Polar Weather Forecast Model (PWRF) and the WRF-VAR and High Resolution Land Data Assimilation (HRLDAS) data assimilation...Reanalysis a systematic approach to produce data sets for climate monitoring and research. Res., 12, 187-198, DOI: Parker, W.S., 2016: Reanalyses and Observations: What’s the Difference? Quality-assured monthly updates of ERA5 are published within 3 months of real time. In addition to initializing operational forecasts, the analyses themselves are a valuable tool for subsequent meteorological and climatological studies. The data used in the Global Wind Atlas was chosen from the best availible global datasets for each required category. Specifically, significant positive 500-mb geopotential height correlations are spatially cohesive over Central America and the tropical Pacific Ocean (Positive Niño-3.4 SST indices are associated with lower-than-normal 500-mb geopotential height over the northern Pacific Ocean and southwestern NA and higher-than-normal 500-mb geopotential height over the northern United States and most of Canada. Correlations are for time period 1979–2015, and correspond to time series in Within the Snake River basin, four nonconsecutive DJF seasons when precipitation was plus or minus one SD (e.g., 1982/83) correspond to years when DJF Niño-3.4 SST was also plus or minus one SD (Clearly, relationships between western NA DJF precipitation and Niño-3.4 SST over watershed basins and headwaters are complex ((a),(c) Pearson’s correlation coefficient and (b),(d) (a),(c) Pearson’s correlation coefficient and (b),(d) During DJF from 1979 to 2015, most of NA is not characterized by significant 500-mb geopotential height correlations (e.g., northern IMW). NARR is a regional reanalysis of North America containing temperatures, winds, moisture, soil data, and dozens of other parameters at 32 km horizontal resolution. Resulting cool season gridpoint correlation maps using SOI and PNA indices ((a),(c) Pearson’s correlation coefficients and (b),(d) (a),(c) Pearson’s correlation coefficients and (b),(d) An example of teleconnection variability is provided ((a),(c) Pearson’s correlation coefficient and (b),(d) (a),(c) Pearson’s correlation coefficient and (b),(d) © 2017 American Meteorological Society. Bull. Catalog: NOAA High-resolution Blended Analysis of Daily SST and Ice. As suggested by others (e.g., (left) Pearson’s correlation coefficient and (right) (left) Pearson’s correlation coefficient and (right) Negative Niño-3.4 SST are associated with lower-than-normal 500-mb geopotential height centered over the northern United States and most of Canada, and higher-than-normal 500-mb geopotential height over the northeastern Pacific Ocean and southwestern NA (Underlying local-scale climate controls are observed during DJF.

the analysis data which were used for the real-time forecasts, will typically suffer from inconsistency if it spans any extended period of time, because operational analysis systems are frequently being improved. Since 2008, we have used this precious data-sharing opportunity to develop the first high-resolution meteorological dataset, called the China Meteorological Forcing Dataset (CMFD) 14,15 … However, an operational analysis dataset, i.e.