Make sure to state in your application which job you are applying for. Following installation, choose your Porsche model and download the relevant content package. Explain clearly why you meet the requirements for the job.
Tell us about the professional areas that excite you and ignite your passion. In short: write a stand-out cover letter. Why you are applying for this job in particular. That’s why you should show us what you have to offer right from the start. Si continua navegando, consideramos que acepta su uso. Why you are applying for this job in particular. From September 01, 2018 the WLTP will replace the New European Driving Cycle (NEDC). Porsche utiliza cookies propias y de terceros para mejorar el sitio web y mostrarle publicidad relacionada con sus preferencias mediante el análisis de sus hábitos de navegación.
And tell us why it … Following installation, choose your Porsche model and download the relevant content package. Give yourself enough time to prepare your application properly, and make sure that you enclose all your application documents. Be creative, take an unconventional approach. Mai multe detalii despre procedura WLTP, valorile de consum și emisii, precum și elementele care influențează aceste valori pot fi obținute accesând pagina de internet Think of your job application as your first personal meeting with us. That’s why you should show us what you have to offer right from the start. This will make the reader want to find out more about you.We are looking for people who stand out from the crowd. Make sure to state in your application which job you are applying for. Since September 01, 2017 certain new cars have been type approved in accordance with the Worldwide Harmonized Light Vehicles Test Procedure (WLTP), a more realistic test procedure to measure fuel consumption and CO₂ emissions. In short: write a stand-out cover letter. • Control smart home devices.
Începând cu 1 septembrie 2017, anumite autovehiculele noi sunt omologate de tip folosind procedura de testare a vehiculelor ușoare armonizata la nivel mondial (WLTP - World HarmonisedLightVehicle Test Procedure), care este o procedură de testare nouă și mai realistă pentru măsurarea consumului și a emisiilor de CO₂.
Tell us about the professional areas that excite you and ignite your passion. Puede cambiar la configuración u obtener más información aquí. The official Porsche app offers you detailed information on the operation of your vehicle from model year 2013. Datorită condițiilor de testare mai realiste, consumul și emisiile de CO₂ măsurate în cadrul WLTP sunt în multe cazuri mai ridicate comparativ cu cele măsurate în cadrul NEDC. That’s why you should show us what you have to offer right from the start. Why you are applying for this job in particular. Think of your job application as your first personal meeting with us. • Display of your pairing code. Give yourself enough time to prepare your application properly, and make sure that you enclose all your application documents.
Give yourself enough time to pre Be creative, take an unconventional approach. Explain clearly why you meet the requirements for the job.
Due to the more realistic test conditions, the fuel consumption and CO₂ emission values determined in accordance with the WLTP will, in many cases, be higher than those determined in accordance with the NEDC. Give yourself enough time to pre And tell us why it just has to be Do you have any other questions? This may lead to corresponding changes in vehicle taxation from September 01, 2018. You will need it to connect your vehicle to the Porsche Connect App.
The app comprises the following features: - Handbook with al… Please do not hesitate to * Valorile privind consumul și emisiile de CO₂ au fost determinate în baza procedurilor de măsurare stabilite de lege. Think of your job application as your first personal meeting with us. And tell us why it just has to be Do you have any other questions?