A: One more crack like that and I’ll plaster you!156. A: Because she will Let it go.47. A: Because if they flew over the bay they would be bagels!122. Q: Where did the computer go to dance? Knock, Knock! Iran who? Knock Knock Who’s there ?
A: In the mainstream.63. A: Lonely23. Is your daughter home?181. Q: Did you hear they’re changing the flooring in daycare centers? Don’t be silly – opportunity doesn’t knock twice!180. URINEsecure don’t know what for193. Opportunity. Q: Why did the man put his money in the freezer?

You would not use any of these if you weren’t:Jokes about sex are eternal.

Knock, Knock! No matter the setting, these 50 hilarious, unsavory jokes are never entirely appropriate. Q: Why is a 2016 calendar more popular than a 2015 calendar? Dwayne! She goes to the boy, drops her pants and says, “My Mommy says that with one of these, I can have as many of those as I want!”How do you make your wife scream while making love?A redneck finds out one day that his girlfriend is still a virgin.When he finds out, he stands up, turns away from her, and leaves without saying a word.Later, he’s at the bar with his buddies and they ask him what went wrong.He explains, “If she ain’t good enough for her daddy, her uncle, her brother, and her cousin, she ain’t good enough for me!”If I was addicted to masturbation and then I became addicted to sex, would it be right to say my addiction got out of hand?A Mom finds some BDSM magazines beneath her son’s bed.She calls her husband up to the room, shows him, and asks, “What do you think we should do?”The Dad frowns and says, “Well, I suppose spanking him is out of the question.”Give him a used tampon and ask him which period it came from.A woman walks into a pharmacy one day and says to the pharmacist, “I’d like a poison that’ll kill my husband but make it look like he died of natural causes.”The pharmacist says, “Ma’am, not only can I not do that for you, I’m going to have to call the police and report you.”The woman takes out something out of her pocket and hands it to him. A: the Telephone.111. Q: What kind of lights did Noah use on the Ark? In her 30s and 40s, they become like pears – still nice but hanging a bit. Q: Why can’t your nose be 12 inches long? A: At the BP station!59. A: The month of March!155. Q: Why couldn’t the pirate play cards? Exactly.196. First Condom: “I recall my first time with a condom, I was 16 or so.

Q: Why did the computer break up with the internet? Who’s there? A: Because they take too long to change!11. We hope you enjoy these funny jokes for adults only.Almost all of them replied, “How the hell did you get in here?”The other day I was having sex with this married woman when her husband came home early.She told me I’d have to use the back door and said I’d have to be quick.On reflection I should have just left, but it’s not every day you get an offer like that.Why is girlfriend one word but best friend is two words?Because your best friend gives you space when you need it.The owner of a drug store walked into his store one day, only to notice a man leaning heavily against a wall.The owner went over to his staff member behind the counter and asked them, “What’s wrong with that guy over there by the wall?”The staff member replied, “Oh him – he came in here this morning to get something for his cough. Ben Hur Ben Hur who? Q: What do priests and Mcdonalds have in common?49. A: “Smiles”, because there is a mile between each “s”!154. 195 Hilarious Jokes For Kids That Adults Find Funny Too. Q: How do you drown a Hipster? We all tell silly jokes sometimes, we can’t just get enough of them.

Q: Why can’t you take a nap during a race? Dwayne who? Q: What did Dracula say after reading all these jokes?109. Q: What did the paper say to the pencil? Q: How do you find a Princess? Q: Why was everyone so tired on April 1st? A: Guardians of the Galaxy.57.

A: A waist of time73. Woo who? Q: “How do you shoot a killer bee?” A: “With a bee bee gun.”62.

Are you an adult? Q: What did the leopard say after eating his owner? on February 18, 2013. Moustache who? Tunis! A: Because he wanted to see time fly!161. September 7, 2019 Updated July 28, 2020. They’re not too rude but they’re definitely adult jokes … Q: What does a vampire never order at a restaurant?107. Have you child read these jokes out loud for the whole family to enjoy. Q: What did the little mountain say to the big mountain? I moustache you a question, but I’ll shave it for later. Knock, Knock! Q: What goes up when the rain comes down? Good jokes for kids celebrate and revel in silliness over intelligence. Q: What did the pencile say to the other pencil? Don’t get too excited it’s just a knock knock joke.205. Q: What do you get when you cross a vampire with the internet?133. Dumbbell doesn’t work so I had to knock!198. Q: Why do golfers wear two pairs of pants? We all tell silly jokes sometimes, we can’t just get enough of them. Knock Knock Who’s there? A: Spring time.81. Buster who? While these jokes might appear silly, yet they are indeed very funny.

Q: What do you call a dinosaur that crashes his car? Q: What do you call a sleeping bull? The Driving Dino. Doris locked that’s why I am knocking!195. A: Swimming trunks.58. But sometimes a joke is so jaw-droppingly ridiculous that it transcends its own awfulness and reaches a higher plane of funny.You don't want to laugh—every self-respecting part of your brain is rejecting the guffawing impulse—but you can't help yourself. Urine Urine Who? A: A bulldozer!71. Tunis company, three’s a crowd!190. Q: What do you get from a pampered cow? Who’s there?